Thread: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Started: 2019-12-02 19:48:27
Last activity: 2019-12-02 19:48:27
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA). The Postdoctoral Researcher will develop seismo-geodetic models of slow slip in collaboration with the Institut des Sciences de la Terre (Grenoble, France). This multidisciplinary research will develop cutting-edge techniques to blend the seismic and geodetic records together to obtain high-resolution spatiotemporal constraints on slow slip dynamics. The successful candidate will have a doctorate in geophysics with a strong background in earthquake geodesy and numerical computing. The ideal candidate will be motivated to develop expertise in mining continuous seismic waveforms for repeating seismicity.

The start date of this position is tentatively July 1, 2020. The appointment will be for one year, renewable up to two times, dependent on progress and funding availability.

For further information on the position, please contact William Frank (wfrank<at><wfrank<at>>). To apply, please send a CV, a one-page research statement, and contact info for three references to William Frank (wfrank<at><wfrank<at>>).

03:05:27 v.af9cd46b