Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
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Thank you
Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
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information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the
addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete
this message.
Thank you
SAC> r file
SAC> cut b 20 e
SAC> r
SAC> p1
Prof. George Sand França
Observatório Sismológico
Instituto de Geociências
Universidade de Brasília
Bolsista de Produtividade PQ-1D
Sites do Observatório Sismológico e pessoal
www.obsis.unb.br [1]
Em 2019-12-19 14:23, Zoya Zarifi escreveu:
Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
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intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorized use, dissemination of the
information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the
addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete
this message.
Thank you
SAC Help
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[1] http://www.obsis.unb.br
The help file is confusing and a rewritten version will be in v102.a. But to see how to do what you want, run the attached macro: cut.m spelled out below
echo on
cut off
fg seismo
rtr ; taper
lh b e a npts kztime
write seismo.sac
cuterr fillz ; cut b -5 e
read seismo.sac
lh b e a npts kztime
title "fg seismo; rtr; taper; write seismo.sac ; cuterr fillz ; cut b -5 e; read seismo.sac”
To run it,
SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [09/17/2013 (Version 101.6a)]
Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California
SAC> m cut.m
On Dec 19, 2019, at 12:23 PM, Zoya Zarifi <zzar<at>equinor.com> wrote:
Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
Thanks a lot. It works perfect.
Best regards,
From: sac-help-bounce<at>iris.washington.edu <sac-help-bounce<at>iris.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Arthur Snoke
Sent: torsdag 19. desember 2019 21:09
To: SAC Help <sac-help<at>lists.ds.iris.edu>
Subject: Re: [IRIS][sac-help] Time shift in a time series using SAC
The help file is confusing and a rewritten version will be in v102.a. But to see how to do what you want, run the attached macro: cut.m spelled out below
echo on
cut off
fg seismo
rtr ; taper
lh b e a npts kztime
write seismo.sac
cuterr fillz ; cut b -5 e
read seismo.sac
lh b e a npts kztime
title "fg seismo; rtr; taper; write seismo.sac ; cuterr fillz ; cut b -5 e; read seismo.sac”
To run it,
SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [09/17/2013 (Version 101.6a)]
Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California
SAC> m cut.m
On Dec 19, 2019, at 12:23 PM, Zoya Zarifi <zzar<at>equinor.com<zzar<at>equinor.com>> wrote:
Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu<sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu>
Sent from the IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/
The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is
intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorized use, dissemination of the
information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the
addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete
this message.
Thank you
I recommended that first use the command cutter and then read the file.
and in any circumstance read the help.
sac> help cuter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
(34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
Tel: +39 040 2140 156 (Udine)
Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
E-mail: mplasencia<at>inogs.it
ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)
On 19 Dec 2019, at 18:23, Zoya Zarifi <zzar<at>equinor.com> wrote:
Using SAC, I am trying to apply time-shift on a signal by adding zeros in the beginning of a time series.
I use
Cuterr fillz; cut b 20
To implement 20 sec time shift in the beginning. But nothing happens.
What is the correct format of the command. What other options I have to apply a time-shift?
Zoya Zarifi
The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is
intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorized use, dissemination of the
information or copying of this message is prohibited. If you are not the
addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete
this message.
Thank you
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu <sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu>
Sent from the IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
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