Thread: EGU 2020 session - Mantle Structure and Evolution: Combining Seismological and Geodynamical Constraints Across Scales

Started: 2020-01-07 00:22:14
Last activity: 2020-01-07 00:22:14
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear Colleague,

if you have recently combined seismological and geodynamical information to constrain mantle structure, please consider submitting an abstract to our EGU session “Mantle Structure and Evolution: Combining Seismological and Geodynamical Constraints Across Scales” (GD2.2/SM4.11).

Session description and abstract submission:
Over the last few decades, seismologists have been able to illuminate the Earth’s interior and identified a number of mantle structures, including the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, a possible transition at about 1000 km depth, small scale heterogeneities in the transition zone and lowermost mantle (ULVZ, D"), plumes, stagnating slabs. While the origin of these structures is still debated, numerical simulations can help validate tomographic models and predict plausible scenarios. However, geodynamic models and tomographic images often investigate different physical parameters, and propose views of the mantle at separate scales. Combining information from both fields is therefore necessary to understand and link mantle processes across scales. We encourage contributions that can feed the dialogue between seismologists and geodynamicists.

Invited speakers:

Saskia Goes (Imperial College London)

Lorenzo Colli (University of Houston)

Keep in mind the abstract submission deadline January 15th, 2020.

Best wishes,

Simone Pilia (University of Cambridge)
Stephanie Durand (University of Lyon)
Bernhard Schuberth (LMU Munich)
Benoit Tauzin (Australian National University)
Martina Ulvrova (ETH)

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