Thread: Postdoctoral Fellowships and PhD/MSc Scholarships in rock magnetism, palaeomagnetism and numerical modelling

Started: 2020-03-08 04:19:14
Last activity: 2020-03-08 04:19:14
Institution: Peking University
Open Until: 2020-04-14

We are inviting applications for the Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship at the School of Earth and Space Sciences (SESS) at Peking University. Applicants with an interest in rock magnetism, palaeomagnetism and numerical modelling thereof are particularly encouraged to apply.

The fellowship is for a period of 2 years and includes a salary of 185,000 RMB/year, plus free accommodation (1 bedroom apartment) or a generous housing subsidy, plus medical and social insurance, which allows a high standard of living in Beijing.

Applicants below the age of 35 who obtained there PhDs within the last 3 years are eligible to apply. The extended deadline is 14th April. Details of the programme can be found on


Scholarships for students interested in pursuing a PhD or MSc at Peking University are also available. The Chinese Scholarship Council is providing scholarships for a period of 4 years (PhD) or 3 years (MSc) that include a stipend for living expenses, plus free accommodation (1 single room) in Peking University's apartment complex "Zhongguanxinyuan Global Village" right next to campus, plus medical insurance.

The application deadline for PhD/MSc scholarships is 20th March. Details of the programme can be found on
General information about studying at Peking University can be found here


Please contact me, Thomas Berndt (tberndt<at>, for more information, discussion of possible research projects, etc; or Liao Chang (liao.chang<at> or Baochun Huang (bchuang<at>

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