Thread: NOTICE: web service updates

Started: 2020-03-24 17:04:59
Last activity: 2020-03-24 17:04:59
Topics: Web Services
Robert Weekly
2020-03-24 17:04:59
Hello Web Service Users,

Earlier today, we updated the following trio of web services:

The full list of fixes for each service can be found on the respective service revision page and a brief list of high-level changes is included below.

As always, if you are encountering problems with the behavior of any of the IRIS web services, please send an email to ws-issues<at> <ws-issues<at>> outlining the problem and we will work to resolve it. Thank you.

IRIS Web Services


fdsnws-station (v 1.1.45)
Fixed an issue where recently updated metadata was not being correctly shown in the service.
Fixed an issue where the text and GeoCSV formats were not correctly sorting request results.
Fixed an issue where some stations were missing their Site Name.
Fixed an issue where response-level metadata for FIR instrument types was being incorrectly generated, leading to invalid StationXML files.

ph5ws-station (v 1.1.5)
Fixed an issue where the text and GeoCSV formats were not correctly sorting request results.
Fixed an issue where the service was not returning the experiment Report Number in text format.
Fixed an issue where some experiments were incorrectly reporting zero total stations within a network.

irisws-sacpz (v 1.1.10)
Fixed an issue where the service would sometimes display duplicate entries for a single channel epoch.
Fixed an issue where the serivce would not return any metadata for certain non-seismic sensors.
Fixed an issue where the Output Units field was sometimes incorrectly displaying units as displacement instead of velocity.
Fixed an issue where A0 field was not being calculated correctly.
Fixed an issue where the service was not correctly subsetting results based on the starttime and endtime parameters.
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