Thread: M.S. and PhD opportunities in environmental seismology at New Mexico Tech

Started: 2020-06-03 22:19:33
Last activity: 2020-06-03 22:19:33
I’m looking for new MS and/or PhD students interested in joining an international team working on a funded project of data collection and analysis of seismic, hydrologic, and geomorphic data along two ephemeral streams, one in New Mexico and one in Israel. We’re instrumenting both sites with a range of seismic and hydrologic sensors, targeting monsoon flow periods to collect data that will improve models of the seismic signature of bedload transport. The student would lead seismic deployments and analyze data, in conjunction with other students and faculty at New Mexico Tech, as well as travel to Israel for meetings with our Israeli and European collaborators.

For more information about the project, please contact me (Susan Bilek, susan.bilek<at> Applications for the graduate program at New Mexico Tech can be made here: Applications will be reviewed for start dates of Fall 2020 or Spring 2021.

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