Thread: AGU Session: Low Probability Faults in Seismic Hazard Assessments

Started: 2020-07-08 16:17:13
Last activity: 2020-07-08 16:17:13
Topics: AGU Meetings
Hobbs, Tiegan (NRCAN/RNCAN)
2020-07-08 16:17:13
It is well known that long-recurrence crustal faults can be difficult to incorporate into hazard maps. Solutions to this problem must be determined through a community effort. Therefore, we invite abstract submissions to our AGU session entitled "How Should Low-Probability Earthquakes be Considered in Hazard Assessments?” (NH013). Please find the description below and don’t hesitate to contact us for any clarifications.

Kind regards,
Tiegan Hobbs (tiegan.hobbs<at><tiegan.hobbs<at>>)
Chris Rollins (j.c.rollins<at><j.c.rollins<at>>)
Kristin Morelll (kmorell<at><kmorell<at>>)

Session Description: Earthquakes on low-slip-rate faults near urban centers represent one of the most significant and enigmatic sources of seismic risk in the modern world. While there have been great strides in characterizing certain examples of these faults, doing so is often expensive and spatially limited. Consequently, these faults are often inconsistently incorporated into seismic hazard models or left out of them. To bridge this gap requires collaboration from scientists, engineers, and policymakers to assess how much can be known about these faults, their potential impacts to society and their sensitivity to unknowns, and the implications for policy. We invite new contributions from tectonics, earthquake physics, geodesy, geomorphology, and engineering that (1) help characterize low-probability earthquakes and low-slip-rate faults, including their geometry, mechanism, maximum magnitude, or other properties, and/or (2) quantitatively assess the resulting seismic hazards and/or their implications for mapping and policy.

Tiegan Hobbs, PhD, MSCE
Seismic Risk Scientist
Geological Survey of Canada
+1 (236) 330-2180

Working on the traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.

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