Thread: where can i find the instruction for response file extracted from seed files by rdseed?

Started: 2011-01-05 10:45:56
Last activity: 2011-01-05 10:45:56
Topics: SAC Help
Hi, all,

I want to know the meanings of each lines in the RESP.* files generated by RDSEED. Where can I find an instruction?


  • Hi Lee,

    This is not a SAC question per-say, but since SAC reads RESP files perhaps it will be useful for others.

    There is no formal documentation for the RESP files themselves, but since they refer directly to the SEED format you can read the SEED manual to learn more about the values. The SEED manual is available here:

    Inside a RESP file each non-comment line begins with a "blockette" and a "field" reference in the form of "BxxxFyy" where xxx is the blockette number and yy is the field number. A line beginning with B054F03 indicates it contains the information in SEED blockette type 54, field number 3. You can then lookup the definition of that field in the SEED manual.


    On Jan 4, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Inor Lee wrote:

    Hi, all,

    I want to know the meanings of each lines in the RESP.* files generated by RDSEED. Where can I find an instruction?


    sac-help mailing list

  • I suggest you look at the SEED manual or one of the other manuals that can
    be downloaded from IRIS at

    On Wed, 5 Jan 2011, Inor Lee wrote:

    Hi, all,
    I want to know the meanings of each lines in the RESP.* files generated by
    RDSEED. Where can I find an instruction?


11:09:58 v.af9cd46b