Nate Lindsey
2020-07-14 17:13:40
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit your 2020 AGU Fall Meeting abstracts to our session on Ocean-Bottom Seismology. This session will bring together scientists studying problems in oceanography and solid earth geophysics, as well as the methods and instruments that enable this research. Session details below.
The abstract deadline is Wednesday, 29 July at 23:59 EDT.
Submit your abstract here:
Nate, Char, Susan, Francisco
S018. New Results, New Methods and New Technology in Ocean-Bottom Seismology
The field of Ocean Bottom Seismology is rapidly growing. Both passive and active seismic studies require a significant economic investment but provide expanded insights into the planet. Seafloor sensors have been used to extend seismic monitoring beyond historical land-based networks, as well as for structural and geodynamic studies, and to explore the genesis of oceanic contributions to seismic wavefields. Institutional resources as well as instrument pools have facilitated numerous experiments using temporary OBS networks throughout the world’s oceans, and these continue to be deployed. Semi-permanent OBS networks such as those in Japan or Cascadia offer the opportunity to make seafloor seismic observations over extended time scales, providing potentially new observables for dynamic signatures sometimes not perceived in shorter-term deployments. We invite contributions covering all aspects of seafloor seismology, both new scientific results and new technological breakthroughs for instrumentation, communications and deployment.
Dr. Francisco Javier Núñez Cornú; SisvOC, Universidad de Guadalajara. pacornu77<at><pacornu77<at>>
Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe; Los Alamos National Laboratory USA. char<at><char<at>>
Dr. Nathaniel J. Lindsey, Stanford University. nlindsey<at><nlindsey<at>>
Dr. Susan Bilek, Earth and Environmental Dept. New Mexico Tech Susan.Bilek<at><Susan.Bilek<at>>
Nate Lindsey
Stanford University
Google Scholar | Website
We invite you to submit your 2020 AGU Fall Meeting abstracts to our session on Ocean-Bottom Seismology. This session will bring together scientists studying problems in oceanography and solid earth geophysics, as well as the methods and instruments that enable this research. Session details below.
The abstract deadline is Wednesday, 29 July at 23:59 EDT.
Submit your abstract here:
Nate, Char, Susan, Francisco
S018. New Results, New Methods and New Technology in Ocean-Bottom Seismology
The field of Ocean Bottom Seismology is rapidly growing. Both passive and active seismic studies require a significant economic investment but provide expanded insights into the planet. Seafloor sensors have been used to extend seismic monitoring beyond historical land-based networks, as well as for structural and geodynamic studies, and to explore the genesis of oceanic contributions to seismic wavefields. Institutional resources as well as instrument pools have facilitated numerous experiments using temporary OBS networks throughout the world’s oceans, and these continue to be deployed. Semi-permanent OBS networks such as those in Japan or Cascadia offer the opportunity to make seafloor seismic observations over extended time scales, providing potentially new observables for dynamic signatures sometimes not perceived in shorter-term deployments. We invite contributions covering all aspects of seafloor seismology, both new scientific results and new technological breakthroughs for instrumentation, communications and deployment.
Dr. Francisco Javier Núñez Cornú; SisvOC, Universidad de Guadalajara. pacornu77<at><pacornu77<at>>
Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe; Los Alamos National Laboratory USA. char<at><char<at>>
Dr. Nathaniel J. Lindsey, Stanford University. nlindsey<at><nlindsey<at>>
Dr. Susan Bilek, Earth and Environmental Dept. New Mexico Tech Susan.Bilek<at><Susan.Bilek<at>>
Nate Lindsey
Stanford University
Google Scholar | Website