Thread: AGU Session S002 - Ambient-Noise Seismology

Started: 2020-07-17 11:41:57
Last activity: 2020-07-17 11:41:57
Topics: AGU Meetings
Ƶack Spica
2020-07-17 11:41:57
Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting your work to the session
* Ambient-Noise Seismology**, *in the Seismology Section of the 2020 AGU Fall
meeting, which will be held virtually this year. The full session
description is below. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is *July
29*, 2020.

This year, we are pleased to host Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos (LBNL) and
Jorge Castillo Castellanos (CalTech) as invited speakers.

We look forward to hearing from you and we thank you for considering this
opportunity to share your research.

Best regards,

Zack Spica, Lucia Gualtieri, Nori Nakata and Lise Retailleau

Ambient seismic noise is an abundant source of information for studying the
Earth’s dynamics and structure at various scales, but also for
understanding the interactions between the solid Earth, the atmosphere, the
oceans, and human activities. Likewise, ambient noise is used to monitor
volcanic unrest, dynamics of glaciers and several natural phenomena.

This session is open to abstracts covering a wide range of topics in
ambient-noise seismology with a focus on noise-source analysis and
modeling, theoretical updates, applications to imaging and monitoring the
Earth at several scales, along with processing techniques and modern
computational methods in this field. Novel acquisition techniques, such as
large-N and fiber-optic arrays for harnessing the full wavefield, and
innovative ideas for ground-motion prediction are welcome. We also accept
studies related to the interpretation of ambient-noise imaging and
monitoring results to get new insights on the dynamics of faults, glaciers,
mass-wasting events, groundwater and other processes.

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