Thread: Problem with depmec

Started: 2011-01-12 22:43:10
Last activity: 2011-01-12 22:43:10
Topics: SAC Help
Alireza Alinaghi
2011-01-12 22:43:10

I have been trying to use depmec in sac but after i saw matlab logo flashing
by, I got the following error message in sac command window:

*Allocating and filling Matlab workspace arrays... *
*Copying to Matlab workspace ... *
*>> ??? Undefined function or variable 'sacdepmec'.*
Could you please tell me what is the source of the problem and how i can fix

I am using sac version 101.0 and matlab (7)R14 on Fedora 10 linux machine.

Thank you in advance,


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