Thread: SSA Tomography Series - Abstracts Open

Started: 2020-11-05 09:48:02
Last activity: 2020-11-05 09:48:02
Topics: SSA Meetings
Rikki Anderson
2020-11-05 09:48:02
The Seismological Society of America is accepting abstracts for their 2021
Virtual Tomography Series until *17
December 2020 at 5 p.m.* *Pacific*.

When COVID-19 forced the postponement of the in-person SSA Seismic
Tomography meeting, Co-Chairs Andreas Fichtner of ETH Zürich and Clifford
Thurber of the University of Wisconsin-Madison decided to keep the science
going with a series of virtual technical sessions. The goal: to provide a
forum for excellent research and to keep up a lively exchange of ideas
within the tomography community.

We encourage you to submit an abstract, and ask that you remind your
students, friends and colleagues about this opportunity. To read the
abstracts from the October and November sessions or register to attend
please visit our website.

*Submit your abstract here:*

For questions about submitting an abstract, contact abstracts<at>

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