Thread: Fwd: Intraplate earthquake hazards at EGU 2021

Started: 2020-11-23 17:28:39
Last activity: 2020-11-23 17:28:39
Topics: EGU Meetings
Susana Custodio
2020-11-23 17:28:39
Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to our session titled: New insights for seismic hazard in regions of slow lithospheric deformation. vEGU21 is a fully virtual replacement for the EGU General Assembly, and will take place 19-30 April 2021. The 2020 meeting took place online and was a success even despite the last minute circumstances due to Covid-19. 2021 should prove to be even better.

We invite contributions that (1) present new observations that place constraints on earthquake occurrence in low-strain regions, (2) explore patterns of stable or temporally varying earthquake occurrence, and (3) provide insight into the mechanisms that control earthquakes in regions of slow deformation via observation and/or modeling.

Session info:

Abstract submissions:
The abstract deadline is 13 January 2021 (13:00 CET)

Please share with your colleagues who may be interested in presenting.

Thank you from the convenors,

Beau Whitney, Pierre Arroucau, Stéphane Baize, Susana Custódio, Gordana Vlahovic

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