Thread: cannot add sac header

Started: 2011-05-11 09:13:00
Last activity: 2011-05-11 19:23:03
Topics: SAC Help
Rakotoarisaona Hasiniaina
2011-05-11 09:13:00
Dear all,

I am trying to set some times and date in a SAC header. So far I did the

SAC> ch O GMT 2006 001 14 34 01 23
SAC> wh

Although all of these change do not appear with "lh" command. Also, when I am
doing the picking and write it into "hpf", I have got no error but when open
the HPF file and it is empty.
Is anyone can help me in this matter?

(PS: I have been converted my data from ascii to sac using the fortran code
amp2sac in this link

Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
  • Milton Plasencia
    2011-05-11 19:23:03

    Please. first check if in your header exist the LOVROK = FALSE,
    if yes, change it to TRUE. It permit overwriting

    Then. check if the variables KZDATE and KZTIME exist in the header,
    you can see the manual for further information using the NZYEAR, NZJDAY,
    NZHOUR, ..., NZMSEC, for setting the date and time.



    Quoting "Rakotoarisaona Hasiniaina" <hrakotoarisaona<at>>:

    Dear all,

    I am trying to set some times and date in a SAC header. So far I did the

    SAC> ch O GMT 2006 001 14 34 01 23
    SAC> wh

    Although all of these change do not appear with "lh" command. Also,
    when I am
    doing the picking and write it into "hpf", I have got no error but when open
    the HPF file and it is empty.
    Is anyone can help me in this matter?

    (PS: I have been converted my data from ascii to sac using the fortran code
    amp2sac in this link

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Kind regards,

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