Thread: EGU 2021 - session ESSI3.3 The evolving Open and FAIR ecosystem for Solid Earth and Environmental sciences: challenges, opportunities and other adventures

Started: 2020-12-23 10:12:46
Last activity: 2020-12-23 10:12:46
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

April next year we shall once again meet virtually for EGU, and unfortunately will miss those personal exchanges and interactions that we all cherish and enjoy.

But we already saw this year that these virtual formats work actually quite well, so also at EGU2021 we'd like to discuss all things concerning Open and FAIR again - Open Science and FAIR data, Open data and FAIR science, and anything in between that makes you scratch your head once in a while.

ESSI3.3 'The evolving Open and FAIR ecosystem for Solid Earth and Environmental sciences: challenges, opportunities, and other adventures'

invites contributions from researchers, producers, users and managers of Open and FAIR data & science, repositories, publishers, policy makers or anyone who has a story to share on issues encountered in the context of these paradigms and policies and on the further evolution of an integrated, Open and FAIR research ecosystem in Earth sciences.

Abstract deadline is 13 January, as you surely know :-), and we would very much like to welcome your contribution!
Submit it directly here

For now, Happy Holidays, stay safe and remain healthy!

The conveners

Lesley Wyborn, Shelley Stall, Katrin Seemeyer, Ari Asmi, Florian Haslinger


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