Thread: [MCS RCN] Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop | online Jan-May, 2021

Started: 2020-12-30 19:50:48
Last activity: 2020-12-30 19:50:48
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We invite anyone with interest in volcanic and magmatic systems to the Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop ( of the NSF supported Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) RCN ( This meeting series is virtual and held throughout Spring of 2021, in collaboration with the International Volcanology Seminar ( You can register for the webinar series here: https:/

Our goals are to discuss cutting edge volcano science, and to define a vision, characterize needs, and identify opportunities for collaborative science focusing on modeling of the physics of volcanic systems overall, and subduction zones, including within the context of SZ4D (, specifically. This workshop is the last major planning effort of the MCS-RCN. We invite broad participation, and hope to revisit some of the themes of our previous Fluids ( and Megathrust ( workshops and the Eruption Plumes webinars (, exploring ways of enhancing collaborative and integrative approaches for global subduction zone science.

The workshop is convened by Helge Gonnermann (Rice University) and Kyle Anderson (USGS) with a great lineup of outstanding speakers as listed below. The series is divided into four themes, each with Tuesday and Thursday presentations and discussions, and a Friday MCS RCN planning meeting, leading up to a summary report and white paper. All talks will be recorded and will be available for offline viewing, and we will provide for means of asynchronous participation for those not able to attend during the interactive sessions.

You must register separately for the Friday planning meetings, which involve active discussion about the future of volcanic systems modeling in the context of the MCS:

Crustal-scale magma transport

January 26 (Tue) and 28 (Thu) (12:00-1:30pm CT), January 29 (Fri, 12:00-2:30pm CT) 2021

Speakers: George Bergantz (University of Washington)

Matthew Jackson (Imperial College London)

Matthew Pritchard (Cornell University)

Thomas Sisson (US Geological Survey)

Magma storage

February 23 (Tue) and 25 (Thu) (12:00-1:30pm CT), February 26 (Fri, 12:00-2:30pm CT) 2021

Speakers: Mark Ghiorso (OFM Research)

Emilie Hooft (University of Oregon)

Christian Huber (Brown University)

Phillip Ruprecht (University of Nevada)

Eruptive magma ascent​

March 23 (Tue) and 25 (Thu) (12:00-1:30pm CT), March 26 (Fri, 12:00-2:30pm CT) 2021

Speakers: Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi (University at Buffalo)

Madison Myers (Montana State University)

Eleonora Rivalta (GFZ Potsdam)

Diana Roman (Carnegie Institution for Science)

Integrative volcano modeling and forecasting

May 4 (Tue) and 6 (Thu) (12:00-1:30pm CT), May 7 (Fri, 12:00-2:30pm CT) 2021

Speakers: Mary Grace Bato (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Hélène Le Mével (Carnegie Institution for Science)

Michael Poland (US Geological Survey)

Paul Segall (Stanford University)

To register for the webinars, follow this link: To register for the planning meetings, use this link:

For more information, please refer to:

For questions, please contact: contact<at><contact<at>>.

With best wishes for the New Year!

The MCS-RCN Steering Committee

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