Thread: PhD and post-doc opportunities at NORDVULK, University of Iceland

Started: 2021-02-09 17:09:21
Last activity: 2021-02-09 17:09:21
Dear all,

A total of five fellowships at the Nordic Volcanological Center, University of Iceland, are now open for application.

The IRIS community is likely most interested in the post-doc position on Volcano-landslide-cryo seismicity at Katla volcano.

Three PhD positions on:
Magma intrusion processes
Geochemical and geoelectric aspects of H2S sequestration
Geochemistry and petrology the Fjallgarðar volcanic ridge

Two of three post-doc positions will be funded for 2 years:
Volcano-landslide-cryo seismicity at Katla volcano
Volcanic products as CO2sinks
Oxygen isotope characteristics of mantle domains

More information may be found here:

Application deadline is March 1st, 2021.


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Halldor Geirsson

Associate Professor of Geophysics

Faculty & Institute of Earth Sciences

University of Iceland

Address: Sturlugata 7, 102 Reykjavik, Iceland

email: hgeirs<at>

tel.: +354 525 4490 / +354 892 7715

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