Thread: AGU session S013 - Influence of Environmental Stress Changes on the Seismic Cycle

Started: 2021-07-08 17:55:13
Last activity: 2021-07-08 17:55:13
Topics: AGU Meetings

We're delighted to be organizing a session at AGU (full details below), and encourage you to join us in what we hope will help develop the understanding of how environmental stress changes can influence the seismic cycle. Whether you are doing numerical modelling, field work or analog experiments, we welcome your submission.
Please remember to submit your abstract before the deadline on 4 th August, and we look forward to seeing you online or in New Orleans!


Michelle Almakari , Louise Jeandet Ribes and Roland Burgmann

*** Session details ***

S013 - Influence of Environmental Stress Changes on the Seismic Cycle


Several environmental processes can perturb the stress state in the earth's crust. These range from surface processes, such as the hydrological cycle, sediment erosion and deposition, atmospheric pressure variations, thermoelastic strain, and the tides; to phenomena acting at depth, such as pore-pressure build-up, magmatic inflation or fault network interactions. Some of these forcings are anthropogenic in nature, including manmade reservoirs, large-scale excavations and the extraction or injection of fluids. It has been widely observed that such environmental stress changes can disturb the seismic cycle. Even small variations can affect the rate and magnitude of seismic as well as aseismic events (creep and slow slip).

This session is dedicated to highlighting studies that explore the influence of environmental stress changes on the seismic cycle at different scales. We welcome contributions that explore a wide range of observations, advances from laboratory experiments, as well as numerical modeling and theoretical studies.

Kristel Chanard (Université de Paris, IPGP, IGN, Paris, France) will give an invited talk.

Conveners :

Michelle Almakari (Laboratoire de Géologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)

Louise Jeandet Ribes (ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)

Roland Burgmann ( University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA )


T – Tectonophysics

G – Geodesy

EP – Earth and Planetary Surface Processes

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