Thread: AGU session EP047: Coupling of the cryosphere, solid Earth, surface, and climate in shaping Late Cenozoic topography

Started: 2021-07-08 19:19:38
Last activity: 2021-07-08 19:19:38
Topics: AGU Meetings
If you work at the intersection of solid Earth, surface processes and climate, please consider submitting your AGU Fall meeting abstract to this session. Observations and models from regions such as Alaska, Antarctica, Patagonia, Himalayas and Iceland are particularly welcome. Abstract submission deadline is August 4th, 2021.

EP047. Coupling of the cryosphere, solid Earth, surface, and climate in shaping Late Cenozoic topography

Solid-Earth and climate dynamics interact by jointly setting topography and ice cover. They control orographic effects on temperature and precipitation; set the pace and focus of erosion and the interplay among climate, ice extent, orogenic exhumation, and glacial isostatic adjustment; and are recorded by sediments in terrestrial, lacustrine, and ocean basins. This session focuses on connections between surface processes, including uplift, subsidence, and erosion/deposition, and Earth’s interior rheology and dynamics, across the nexus of topography. We welcome contributions on data associated with changing landscapes and the processes driving their evolution; theoretical and empirical explorations of the relationships between mantle dynamics, surface processes and glaciations over a range of temporal and spatial scales; relationships between surface load redistribution and deformation; and feedbacks among rock strength, lithospheric stress, climate, and erosion. Model predictions and field observations from regions where tectonic processes are coupled with changing cryospheric masses are particularly welcome.

See you in New Orleans!
M.Beatrice Magnani, Hannah Mark, Emi Ito

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