Thread: AGU Session on Earth's Core

Started: 2021-07-09 09:30:04
Last activity: 2021-07-09 09:30:04
Topics: AGU Meetings
Daniel Frost
2021-07-09 09:30:04
Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring your attention to and encourage you to submit an
abstract to the AGU Fall Meeting session *DI-014: New Insights into Earth's
Dynamic Core From Interdisciplinary Perspectives*.

Instructions for how to submit an abstract before the *August 4, 2021* deadline
can be found here:
Following abstract acceptance, authors will be given until October to
decide whether they would like to present live virtually or in-person.

*Session details*:

*Earth's solid inner core and surrounding liquid outer core exist at the
most extreme conditions in our planet. Despite its inaccessibility,
collaborative efforts from observations, experiments, theory, and
simulations reveal a wealth of dynamic phenomena in the core. The core is
comprised mostly of iron, and the contested cocktail of alloying elements
are critical for determining geodynamo behavior, as they help power
convection and affect physical and transport properties. Observations
document seismic anisotropy in the inner core and the presence of layers
within outer core, but their causes and consequences are open to
interpretation. Addressing such outstanding questions is key to
understanding our planet beyond the core, from the lower mantle to the
magnetosphere, as well as temporally, from Earth's formation to present. We
thus encourage contributions from disciplines such as seismology, mineral
physics, geochemistry, geodynamics, and geomagnetism, in order to develop a
holistic picture of the Earth's metallic heart.*
*Invited Speakers: Meryem Berrada (University of Western Ontario) and
Santiago Andrés Triana (Royal Observatory of Belgium)*

We look forward to featuring your work in New Orleans, LA and virtually
everywhere at the AGU Fall Meeting *December 13-17, 2021*!

Your core conveners,
Regupathi Angappan (Johns Hopkins University)
Sarah Arveson (University of California, Berkeley)
Christopher Davies (University of Leeds)
Daniel A. Frost (University of California, Berkeley)

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