Dear colleagues,
We kindly invite you to contribute to the session “Delving into the Cryosphere: Innovations and Discoveries through Geophysical Observations” for the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 in New Orleans and online everywhere.
This session will showcase the latest geophysical advances and discoveries in studies of the frozen Earth (permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, snow, etc.) and is co-organized between Cryosphere, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Seismology sections. We hope you will submit an abstract and share this announcement with interested colleagues. As a reminder, the deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 4 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
Abstract submission information:
Thank you,
Stephanie James [USGS]
Dan McGrath [Colorado State University]
Atsuhiro Muto [Temple University]
Andy Parsekian [University of Wyoming]
Session ID: 120486
Session Title: NS004. Delving into the Cryosphere: Innovations and Discoveries through Geophysical Observations
Session Description: The cryosphere presents some of the most challenging environments for scientific research and observation, particularly beneath the surface where critical information is often locked within or beneath inaccessible ice or frozen ground. Nevertheless, climate-driven changes in the structure and function of cryospheric regions have the potential to dramatically impact ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities around the world. Geophysical methods are uniquely capable of mapping, monitoring, and characterizing subsurface properties over a range of scales at high spatial and temporal resolution. In this session, we invite submissions describing innovations, discoveries, and opportunities provided by geophysical observations in the study of glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, snow, permafrost, and seasonally frozen ground. We welcome contributions applying ground and airborne geophysical field studies and modeling to the characterization, and/or monitoring of cold-region environments and detection of targets within frozen subsurface materials. Studies exploring multidisciplinary approaches, new methodologies, and big-data and machine-learning techniques are encouraged.
We kindly invite you to contribute to the session “Delving into the Cryosphere: Innovations and Discoveries through Geophysical Observations” for the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 in New Orleans and online everywhere.
This session will showcase the latest geophysical advances and discoveries in studies of the frozen Earth (permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, snow, etc.) and is co-organized between Cryosphere, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Seismology sections. We hope you will submit an abstract and share this announcement with interested colleagues. As a reminder, the deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 4 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
Abstract submission information:
Thank you,
Stephanie James [USGS]
Dan McGrath [Colorado State University]
Atsuhiro Muto [Temple University]
Andy Parsekian [University of Wyoming]
Session ID: 120486
Session Title: NS004. Delving into the Cryosphere: Innovations and Discoveries through Geophysical Observations
Session Description: The cryosphere presents some of the most challenging environments for scientific research and observation, particularly beneath the surface where critical information is often locked within or beneath inaccessible ice or frozen ground. Nevertheless, climate-driven changes in the structure and function of cryospheric regions have the potential to dramatically impact ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities around the world. Geophysical methods are uniquely capable of mapping, monitoring, and characterizing subsurface properties over a range of scales at high spatial and temporal resolution. In this session, we invite submissions describing innovations, discoveries, and opportunities provided by geophysical observations in the study of glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, snow, permafrost, and seasonally frozen ground. We welcome contributions applying ground and airborne geophysical field studies and modeling to the characterization, and/or monitoring of cold-region environments and detection of targets within frozen subsurface materials. Studies exploring multidisciplinary approaches, new methodologies, and big-data and machine-learning techniques are encouraged.