Thread: AGU 2021 Session V011: Geophysical Constraints on Magma Storage in the Crust

Started: 2021-07-15 10:41:39
Last activity: 2021-07-15 10:41:39
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting to our session in the upcoming AGU meeting
featuring geophysical studies of magma storage in the crust. The abstract
submission deadline is *4 August*.

Session details:
Geophysical Constraints on Magma Storage in the Crust: Measuring Storage
Depths, Melt Volumes, and their Uncertainties*

The eruptive potential of volcanoes is governed by the characteristics of
the underlying magma storage network. Properties such as melt fraction,
melt volume, depth(s) of storage, and network geometry can be imaged with
static geophysical imaging techniques (e.g. seismic imaging, potential
fields and magnetotelluric inversions), estimated from dynamic geophysical
processes (e.g. ground deformation, seismicity), and/or investigated using
petrological analysis of eruptive products while higher resolution and more
robust interpretations are often achieved through integration of multiple
datasets. This session aims to bring together new observations as well as
advances in observational and modeling techniques to explore how different
datasets can be integrated to characterize complex, multi-scale magmatic
systems. We welcome contributions from observational disciplines including,
but not limited to seismology, geodesy, magnetotellurics, and petrology. We
particularly encourage contributions that evaluate multiple datasets and/or
studies focused on the assessment of uncertainty.

Confirmed invited speakers:
*Patricia MacQueen*, Cornell University
*Friedemann Samrock*, ETH Zurich

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!

All the best,

Daniel Evan Portner
Hélène Le Mével
Darcy Cordell

*Daniel Evan Portner (he/him/his)*
*Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow*
*Earth and Planets Laboratory*
*Carnegie Institution for Science*

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