2021-07-15 16:58:03
Dear colleagues:
Please consider contributing to the Fall AGU session “T013 - Geophysical constraints on crustal stress and structure in the age of machine learning.” The meeting will take place December 13–17, 2021, in person in New Orleans, USA, as well as online. For more information about the meeting see the Fall meeting webpage at: https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting
To submit an abstract to this session, please go to: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/123510
Abstract Submission Deadline: 4 August 2021 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
Session description:
Improvements in instrumentation, computation, and analysis techniques are creating new opportunities to refine our understanding of crustal stress and geologic structure, including their relationships through time. From Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to satellite remote sensing, modern geophysical datasets provide a wealth of information feeding modern learning algorithms designed for discovery of new patterns and signals. While traditional models have provided useful descriptions of the bulk crustal response to applied stress, strain accumulates through a variety of processes, generally anisotropically across a multitude of scales that have proven difficult to integrate. The development of crustal structure is intimately related to the evolution of crustal stress, fault dynamics, and the presence of fluids, with important implications for earthquake hazards, carbon sequestration, and hydrocarbon production. This session solicits contributions that utilize all types of observational and theoretical constraints, and numerical methods to refine our understanding of crustal stress and structure at depth.
Session Conveners:
Rick Bennett and Amanda Hughes
University of Arizona
Please consider contributing to the Fall AGU session “T013 - Geophysical constraints on crustal stress and structure in the age of machine learning.” The meeting will take place December 13–17, 2021, in person in New Orleans, USA, as well as online. For more information about the meeting see the Fall meeting webpage at: https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting
To submit an abstract to this session, please go to: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/123510
Abstract Submission Deadline: 4 August 2021 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
Session description:
Improvements in instrumentation, computation, and analysis techniques are creating new opportunities to refine our understanding of crustal stress and geologic structure, including their relationships through time. From Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to satellite remote sensing, modern geophysical datasets provide a wealth of information feeding modern learning algorithms designed for discovery of new patterns and signals. While traditional models have provided useful descriptions of the bulk crustal response to applied stress, strain accumulates through a variety of processes, generally anisotropically across a multitude of scales that have proven difficult to integrate. The development of crustal structure is intimately related to the evolution of crustal stress, fault dynamics, and the presence of fluids, with important implications for earthquake hazards, carbon sequestration, and hydrocarbon production. This session solicits contributions that utilize all types of observational and theoretical constraints, and numerical methods to refine our understanding of crustal stress and structure at depth.
Session Conveners:
Rick Bennett and Amanda Hughes
University of Arizona