2021-07-21 10:58:21
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract in our AGU 2021 Fall Meeting session focused on investigating multi-scale dynamics of the Earth's mantle with computational methods. The session will be held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual presentations. You can submit the abstract following the link to the session herehttps://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/122732. The deadline for abstract submission is August 4th, 2021.
Please find more details on the session below:
Invited presenters:
Anne Glerum (GFZ Potsdam)
Doyeon Kim (University of Maryland)
DI007 - Exploring multi-scale mantle dynamics with computational methods
The dynamics and evolution of Earth's mantle are governed by structures and processes interacting on a wide range of scales: long-wavelength mantle convection and large thermochemical structures are intimately linked with small-scale processes in the boundary layers, and understanding the effective properties of mantle rocks require insights on the mineral scale. These processes are not only multi-scale spatially but also act over strongly different timescales. Understanding the Earth's mantle across these scales is a problem typically outside the range of analytical solutions. Applying numerical methods to capture vastly different scales and developing clever parameterisations to tackle this multi-scale problem are necessary. This session will explore the link between Earth's mantle processes operating on different spatial and/or temporal scales. We invite contributions from various disciplines including geodynamics, seismology, mineral physics, and that highlight computational advances in tackling dynamical problems spanning scales in time and space.
We look forward to seeing you virtually or in New Orleans at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 13-17, 2021!
Best regards,
Juliane Dannberg (University of Florida)
Keely Anne O'Farrell (University of Kentucky)
Tobias Rolf (University of Oslo)
Arushi Saxena (University of Florida)
Qian Yuan (Arizona State University)
We invite you to submit an abstract in our AGU 2021 Fall Meeting session focused on investigating multi-scale dynamics of the Earth's mantle with computational methods. The session will be held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual presentations. You can submit the abstract following the link to the session herehttps://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/122732. The deadline for abstract submission is August 4th, 2021.
Please find more details on the session below:
Invited presenters:
Anne Glerum (GFZ Potsdam)
Doyeon Kim (University of Maryland)
DI007 - Exploring multi-scale mantle dynamics with computational methods
The dynamics and evolution of Earth's mantle are governed by structures and processes interacting on a wide range of scales: long-wavelength mantle convection and large thermochemical structures are intimately linked with small-scale processes in the boundary layers, and understanding the effective properties of mantle rocks require insights on the mineral scale. These processes are not only multi-scale spatially but also act over strongly different timescales. Understanding the Earth's mantle across these scales is a problem typically outside the range of analytical solutions. Applying numerical methods to capture vastly different scales and developing clever parameterisations to tackle this multi-scale problem are necessary. This session will explore the link between Earth's mantle processes operating on different spatial and/or temporal scales. We invite contributions from various disciplines including geodynamics, seismology, mineral physics, and that highlight computational advances in tackling dynamical problems spanning scales in time and space.
We look forward to seeing you virtually or in New Orleans at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 13-17, 2021!
Best regards,
Juliane Dannberg (University of Florida)
Keely Anne O'Farrell (University of Kentucky)
Tobias Rolf (University of Oslo)
Arushi Saxena (University of Florida)
Qian Yuan (Arizona State University)