I am a new. I have a sac file but there are some headers missing like(EVLA, EVLO, ..). I want to add manually these headers in the existing file. I already used WRITEHDR but its not saving. Kindly, help me to write.
I am a new. I have a sac file but there are some headers missing like(EVLA, EVLO, ..). I want to add manually these headers in the existing file. I already used WRITEHDR but its not saving. Kindly, help me to write.
sac> ch evla 40.0 evlo 90.0
sac> wh
where ch = change header
wh = write header
sac> help ch
with this command you can read the help for change header.
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On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 21:20, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal (via IRIS) <
sac-help-bounce<at>lists.ds.iris.edu> wrote:
I am a new. I have a sac file but there are some headers missing
like(EVLA, EVLO, ..). I want to add manually these headers in the existing
file. I already used WRITEHDR but its not saving. Kindly, help me to write.
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