Thread: SZ4D Public Forum Nov 10 (11 am PST) on the Draft Implementation Plan

Started: 2021-11-08 15:27:40
Last activity: 2021-11-08 15:27:40
The SZ4D RCN Steering Committee is holding a Public Forum to introduce the
Draft Implementation Plan that was recently made open for comment on our
website ( Join us for an overview of the plan, an opportunity to
provide input and feedback on any aspect of the document, and discussion.

*SZ4D Draft Implementation Plan: Public ForumNov 10, 2021 at 11:00 am -
Noon Pacific time*
Please register in advance for the Zoom webinar event here:

Join us for an online information session and feedback forum in which the
current draft blueprint for an envisioned SZ4D program will be presented
and discussed.

The full text of the draft report is available at this address:

There will also be an in-person & remote SZ4D Town Hall meeting at the AGU
conference in New Orleans on Thursday, December 16 at 6:15 pm local time.

We hope to see you there this Wednesday.

(Harold Tobin for the) SZ4D Steering Committee

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