2021-12-03 10:37:17
Dear Seismological Community,
If you are a PhD student currently working on seismological tools applied to the geothermal industry, I would like to invite you to participate on the European Geothermal PhD Days (EGPD). Currently, we have a very interesting session on Seismic monitoring of geothermal fields. In this conference you will be able to share your research, participate on amazing geothermal filed visits, and attend lectures from our keynote speakers. For further information take a look at our website: https://egpd2022.comhttps://egpd2022.com/index.html or the call for abstracts below.
Kind regards,
David Naranjo
Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics
Department of Geoscience & Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Consider submitting an abstract to the European Geothermal PhD Days (EGPD 2022): https://egpd2022.com/
Call for Abstracts
The organising committee is happy to announce that abstract submissions for the EGPD 2022 in Aachen are now open!
Is your PhD project on geothermal energy or the related fields below? Join us in Aachen!
* Geophysics
* Geology
* Geochemistry
* Reservoir and System Modelling
* Process Engineering
Any questions? Email us at egpd2022<at>erdw.ethz.ch<egpd2022<at>erdw.ethz.ch?subject=Question%20about%20Abstract%20Submission>.
Deadline: 16 December 2021
Submit Abstracthttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__polimi.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D4a7626aaf8c6e7bca3de91121-26id-3D91e9357389-26e-3D1f90c12f86&d=DwMFaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=jLE1xcSypsyUyA1DVBMYYUsIOaD5GZs46C1REhblKY4&m=bnAc3mZ_B-y5IU4ZFCTRduORyJSvSpaH9xuJjrOhZzg&s=_EbHJOE-dCKQyZHzKrcpSAFBTu4uX4fzsMFljbvhelY&e=
Event Details
Date: 27 - 29 April 2022
Location: RWTH Aachen, Germany
Who: PhD Students, Early-Stage Researchers in Geothermal Energy
Please share with your groups, departments, PhD students and colleagues and subscribe for the latest updates!
Why attend?
No matter what stage you are at, EGPD 2022 is an excellent opportunity to (re)connect with like-minded PhD students and Early-Stage Researchers in the Geothermal Energy sector across Europe.
The program will include:
* Talks from geothermal experts
* Poster and presentation sessions
* Networking events
* Geothermal site visit
Present your Research - Share your Experiences - Discover Synergies - Discuss Best Practices - Engage in Cutting-Edge Research
Find Out Morehttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__polimi.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D4a7626aaf8c6e7bca3de91121-26id-3D5145dc9d08-26e-3D1f90c12f86&d=DwMFaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=jLE1xcSypsyUyA1DVBMYYUsIOaD5GZs46C1REhblKY4&m=bnAc3mZ_B-y5IU4ZFCTRduORyJSvSpaH9xuJjrOhZzg&s=dxeHGlYeeqPubmk4JQk2XhoOW9TGmp24Peh20BC8apE&e=
Organised by Early-Stage Researchers of:
Our mailing address is:
If you are a PhD student currently working on seismological tools applied to the geothermal industry, I would like to invite you to participate on the European Geothermal PhD Days (EGPD). Currently, we have a very interesting session on Seismic monitoring of geothermal fields. In this conference you will be able to share your research, participate on amazing geothermal filed visits, and attend lectures from our keynote speakers. For further information take a look at our website: https://egpd2022.comhttps://egpd2022.com/index.html or the call for abstracts below.
Kind regards,
David Naranjo
Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics
Department of Geoscience & Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Consider submitting an abstract to the European Geothermal PhD Days (EGPD 2022): https://egpd2022.com/
Call for Abstracts
The organising committee is happy to announce that abstract submissions for the EGPD 2022 in Aachen are now open!
Is your PhD project on geothermal energy or the related fields below? Join us in Aachen!
* Geophysics
* Geology
* Geochemistry
* Reservoir and System Modelling
* Process Engineering
Any questions? Email us at egpd2022<at>erdw.ethz.ch<egpd2022<at>erdw.ethz.ch?subject=Question%20about%20Abstract%20Submission>.
Deadline: 16 December 2021
Submit Abstracthttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__polimi.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D4a7626aaf8c6e7bca3de91121-26id-3D91e9357389-26e-3D1f90c12f86&d=DwMFaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=jLE1xcSypsyUyA1DVBMYYUsIOaD5GZs46C1REhblKY4&m=bnAc3mZ_B-y5IU4ZFCTRduORyJSvSpaH9xuJjrOhZzg&s=_EbHJOE-dCKQyZHzKrcpSAFBTu4uX4fzsMFljbvhelY&e=
Event Details
Date: 27 - 29 April 2022
Location: RWTH Aachen, Germany
Who: PhD Students, Early-Stage Researchers in Geothermal Energy
Please share with your groups, departments, PhD students and colleagues and subscribe for the latest updates!
Why attend?
No matter what stage you are at, EGPD 2022 is an excellent opportunity to (re)connect with like-minded PhD students and Early-Stage Researchers in the Geothermal Energy sector across Europe.
The program will include:
* Talks from geothermal experts
* Poster and presentation sessions
* Networking events
* Geothermal site visit
Present your Research - Share your Experiences - Discover Synergies - Discuss Best Practices - Engage in Cutting-Edge Research
Find Out Morehttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__polimi.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D4a7626aaf8c6e7bca3de91121-26id-3D5145dc9d08-26e-3D1f90c12f86&d=DwMFaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=jLE1xcSypsyUyA1DVBMYYUsIOaD5GZs46C1REhblKY4&m=bnAc3mZ_B-y5IU4ZFCTRduORyJSvSpaH9xuJjrOhZzg&s=dxeHGlYeeqPubmk4JQk2XhoOW9TGmp24Peh20BC8apE&e=
Organised by Early-Stage Researchers of:
Our mailing address is: