Thread: 2 postdoc positions in volcano modeling & eruption forecasting at UAF

Started: 2021-12-15 13:06:46
Last activity: 2021-12-15 13:06:46
Dear colleagues,

Two fully-funded 2-year postdoctoral positions in the field of volcano
modeling and eruption forecasting are available at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks (UAF) - Geophysical Institute (GI). The Postdoctoral Researchers
will work on developing innovative physics-based models and
statistics-based eruption forecasting models for Alaska volcanoes, within
the framework of the NSF-PREEVENTS Eruption Forecasting Project. This
project capitalizes on the wealth of data from the Alaska Volcano
Observatory; the multidisciplinary expertise of volcano observatory
scientists; and the analytical power provided by a team of graduate
students, postdoctoral fellows, UAF faculty, and other national and
international collaborators. Research and data analysis are currently being
conducted on four interrelated disciplines: (1) geodesy, (2) seismology &
infrasound, (3) volcanic gas geochemistry & remote sensing, and (4)
petrology, geochemistry & physical volcanology, and focuses on eight
recently active Alaska volcanoes: Cleveland, Okmok, Bogoslof, Shishaldin,
Pavlof, Veniaminof, Augustine, and Redoubt. The successful candidates will
develop state of the art methods, tools, and techniques while working with
a diverse group of collaborators.

Please see the attachment for more details on the positions. More
information on this project and position can also be found at:

Please contact Társilo Girona tarsilo.girona<at> with questions and
requests for further information.

Ronni Grapenthin (he / him / his)
Associate Professor of Geodesy
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks*
2156 Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK-99775

office: Elvey 413B
phone: +1 907 474 7286

**Our campus is located on T Yeddha', ancestral land of
the Dena people of the lower Tanana River.*

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