Thread: EGU22 | Session GD7.5 Physical state of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system: challenges and insights from integration of seismic tomography with potential field and mineral physics data

Started: 2021-12-16 13:59:58
Last activity: 2021-12-16 13:59:58
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

                             I would like to draw your attention to our
session GD7.5 " Physical state of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system:
challenges and insights from integration of seismic tomography with
potential field and mineral physics data" (details below) at EGU2022,
which will be held April 3rd to 8th 2022 in Vienna, Austria and online.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 12th at 13:00 CET and
can be submitted here

We hope to see many of you in our session, be it online or in-person in

GD7.5 Physical state of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system: challenges
and insights from integration of seismic tomography with potential field
and mineral physics data

*Session description*: The original theory of plate tectonics is a
kinematic model with forces only representing qualitative measures. To
understand inter- and intraplate dynamics driven by mantle
thermodynamics and gravitational forces at interplay with rock rheology,
we need comprehensive images of the in-situ material properties
(density, viscosity) and underlying state conditions (temperature T,
pressure P) of the lithospheric plate and its transition into the upper
One key insight into the mantle physical configuration is provided by
seismology, namely tomography imaging of seismic velocity perturbations.
The interpretation of seismic velocity in terms of mantle composition
and T and P conditions, however, is highly non-unique. Despite an
ever-growing data pool of laboratory-derived relations between seismic
velocity of mantle minerals and their T and P derivatives of density and
elastic constants, inversion of seismological information for in-situ
bulk rock T is an ill-posed problem. To reduce the number of potential
solutions, we rely on additional independent information on mantle
composition, T and P (such as from xenoliths) and mantle density (such
as from gravity field data). In addition, effects of anelasticity (e.g.,
frequency dependent wave velocity), grain size and fluid content should
be considered, but these material behaviors are currently less well
explored. An alternative to thermodynamics-based inversions is provided
by empirical approaches to calculate mantle temperature from seismic
tomography models. Finally, the diversity and inconsistency of seismic
tomography models for any specific region can result in a
correspondingly wide spectrum of derived mantle temperature configurations.
With this session we intend to resume open discussions on how to exploit
mantle seismic velocity models to derive valuable conclusions on the
composition and temperature-pressure conditions within the upper and
lithospheric mantle. Thus, we want to focus on those mantle domains
revealing the largest rheological variability and exerting strongest
impacts on crustal and surface deformation. The session is intended to
cover the multi-disciplinary spectrum of observations and
interpretations for the upper mantle configuration. We invite
contributions addressing state-of-the-art techniques, case studies that
combine mantle seismic velocities with seismology-independent
observations as well as presentations that highlight the challenges and
inconsistencies in the field.

*Solicited author*: Saskia Goes

Season's Greetings and best health wishes,

Your conveners: Judith Bott, Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Ajay Kumar,
Javier Fullea, Stewart Fishwick

Dr Ajay Kumar
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Section 4.5 Basin Modelling
14473 Potsdam

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