Thread: Postdoc position in detection and analysis of aseismic/seismic fault instabilities at IPGP Paris

Started: 2022-02-09 10:31:56
Last activity: 2022-02-09 10:31:56
The Seismology group of the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP) is looking for a Postdoc researcher motivated and interested by innovative optical instruments for seismic/aseismic rupture imaging, big data and signal analysis, physics of the seismic source (or any combination of the above 😉).

The position is open starting March 2022 and has a duration of 18 months, renewable for an additional period of 9 to 18 months .

This postdoc is in the frame of the FIMOPTIC project (Fault Instabilities Monitored by innovative OPTICal instruments, coordinated by IPGP and funded for 3 years from French ANR), which aims at the detection and analysis of aseismic/seismic fault instabilities occurring within two highly active seismic sites:

- The deep Garpenberg mine (~1000 m), in Sweden, where induced microseismicity provides an unprecedented possibility to have a direct in situ access to the whole seismic cycle loading of a few asperities embedded in a creeping fault zone, activated by the frequent production blasts.

- The western Corinth rift, in Greece, where numerous episodic seismic swarms activate several fault segments every year, providing evidence for both creep and pore pressure migration.

For more information please visit:
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