Hello everybody, I'm trying to writte a script that does the following:
I have a folder with 3 .SAC files
Each sac file has a value assigned to his t1 variable
lets say:
01.SAC has t1=300
02.SAC has t1=301
03.SAC has t1=302
And i have a file with a column of values, lets say:
I want to replace the t1 values in the .SAC files for the ones that are in the file "traveltimes.dat"
I need to do this task for many (up to thousands of .SAC files) and I have very little experience with bash scripting so I need some help, I would appreciate a lot!!!!
Atte. Oscar Perez R.
I have a folder with 3 .SAC files
Each sac file has a value assigned to his t1 variable
lets say:
01.SAC has t1=300
02.SAC has t1=301
03.SAC has t1=302
And i have a file with a column of values, lets say:
I want to replace the t1 values in the .SAC files for the ones that are in the file "traveltimes.dat"
I need to do this task for many (up to thousands of .SAC files) and I have very little experience with bash scripting so I need some help, I would appreciate a lot!!!!
Atte. Oscar Perez R.
Hola Oscar,
One way to add header to your files will be:
1) your files must be accept change header, so the header LOVROK must be set to TRUE.
2) I assume that you running SAC on Linux or OSX, so, with AWK you can generate a file
with the list of commands of type:
printf "r your_file_1.sac\nch t1 300\nwh\n\q\n" | sac
printf "r your_file_2.sac\nch t1 301\nwh\n\q\n" | sac
printf "r your_file_99.sac\nch t1 399\nwh\n\q\n" | sac
It is not elegant but do the work.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
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E-mail: mplasencia<at>inogs.it
ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)
On Jul 15, 2012, at 10:13 PM, Oscar Perez Ramirez wrote:
Hello everybody, I'm trying to writte a script that does the following:
I have a folder with 3 .SAC files
Each sac file has a value assigned to his t1 variable
lets say:
01.SAC has t1=300
02.SAC has t1=301
03.SAC has t1=302
And i have a file with a column of values, lets say:
I want to replace the t1 values in the .SAC files for the ones that are in the file "traveltimes.dat"
I need to do this task for many (up to thousands of .SAC files) and I have very little experience with bash scripting so I need some help, I would appreciate a lot!!!!
Atte. Oscar Perez R.
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