Thread: AGU Session NH019: Performance, Progress, and Promotion of Earthquake Early Warning Worldwide

Started: 2022-08-01 10:40:19
Last activity: 2022-08-01 10:40:19
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit contributions to our AGU Session: NH019:
Performance, Progress, and Promotion of Earthquake Early Warning Worldwide.
The AGU Fall Meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois and online from
December 12-16, 2022. *Abstracts are due August 3rd*. Please see the
session description below for details, and if you have any questions,
please feel free to reach out to any of the conveners.

Session Description NH019 - Performance, Progress, and Promotion of
Earthquake Early Warning Worldwide

In 1993, Mexico initiated the first earthquake early warning (EEW) system
with public alerting. The United States, Japan, Taiwan, India, Romania,
Israel, Italy, New Zealand, and others are now in various stages of
development and deployment of EEW systems. EEW pushes the frontiers of
science and engineering yet is an inherently social and humanitarian effort
to protect people and key infrastructure from the effects of strong ground
shaking. EEW alerts must be issued quickly to provide actionable warning;
thus, we must find novel solutions to detect, characterize, and communicate
expected shaking based on limited observations. This session explores
innovations in data acquisition and telemetry; geophysical algorithm
developments that determine alert regions; and education and messaging
tailored to mitigate risk and meet societal needs. We welcome abstracts on
the intersection of earthquake science, engineering, technology, education,
and social science that improve the reliability and utility of EEW systems.

Elizabeth Cochran, USGS
Danielle Sumy, IRIS
Jessie K. Saunders, Caltech
Sara K. McBride, USGS
Amy Williamson, UC-Berkeley

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