Thread: Postdoctoral position in seismological data denoising with Deep Learning

Started: 2022-08-01 16:54:56
Last activity: 2022-08-01 16:54:56
Institution: Géoazur (Sophia Antipolis, France)
Open Until: 2022-08-19

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher in seismological data denoising using Deep Learning. The successful applicant will work at Géoazur (Sophia Antipolis, French Riviera) in collaboration with Quentin Bletery, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Françoise Courboulex, Tony Monfret and Éric Calais in the framework of the OSMOSE ANR project (
He/she will join the earthquake team, which hosts many researchers in seismology and Deep Learning (
More information and link to apply on this webpage :
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