Thread: Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall)

Started: 2022-08-17 16:53:38
Last activity: 2022-08-17 16:53:38
Allstadt, Kate
2022-08-17 16:53:38
The USGS Earthquake Science Center and Geologic Hazards Science Center invite applications to the Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program on a variety of research topics. Why is it great to work for USGS? We serve the Nation by providing reliable scientific information while valuing differences, encouraging each other, and collaborating to make new discoveries. Fellowships provide 2 years of salary and benefits, as well as funding to support the proposed research project. Interested candidates can view position descriptions at the sites below. Positions are based out of one or more of our offices in California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Washington.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the Research Advisors listed each opportunity early in the application process to discuss project ideas.

The deadline to apply is 1 November 2022.

Direct links to opportunities related to seismology:
21-17 Seismoacoustic monitoring of mass movements and other exotic sources
21-19 Active tectonics, fault systems and earthquake hazards in Puerto Rico
21-20 Rapid, robust quantification of earthquake uncertainties to unlock advanced monitoring, forecasting, and research
21-21 Improving the U.S. Geological Survey’s seismic monitoring capabilities of global and regional earthquakes
21-22 Remote seismic monitoring to forecast volcanic eruptions and characterize hazardous volcanoes
21-23 Next generation global earthquake monitoring
21-24 Design and development of an integrated seismic hazard modeling system
21-36 Improving ground-motion characterization for the USGS earthquake hazard products: Nonergodic, simulation, machine learning, and intensity-based methods
21-37 Seismic hazard analyses in geologic carbon sequestration
21-38 Cascadia subduction zone deformation: Implications for earthquake hazard
21-39 Building a bridge across laboratory and field scales to explore induced seismicity and earthquake physics
21-40 Geomorphic approaches to characterizing megathrust processes across the Cascadia Subduction Zone
21-41 3D fault structure and implications for seismic hazard
21-42 Investigating the transition from slow to fast slip on the subduction interface
21-43 Candidate driven proposals to the earthquake hazards program
21-44 Improving short-term induced and natural seismicity forecasts with machine learning

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