Thread: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America — 23-25 October 2022 in Tampa, FL

Started: 2022-08-25 01:02:41
Last activity: 2022-08-25 01:02:41
Topics: Other Meetings
We would like to invite you to the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America (ES-SSA).

When: 23-25 October 2022
Where: Tampa, Florida
Meeting website:

All presentations (oral and poster) will be in-person. In-person and remote attendance are offered.

The ES-SSA focuses primarily on advancing earthquake science in Central and Eastern North America and intraplate seismology. We also welcome contributions from other aspects of earthquake and seismological studies. Examples include SE US seismicity, Caribbean seismicity and tectonics, induced seismicity, ’exotic seismic sources’, volcano seismology, and moment tensors.

We encourage students to apply for the student travel grants, which would provide financial support to students who present at the meeting. We will also have Best Student Presentation Awards.

Important Deadlines:

Abstract: September 16 (Friday)

      Early Bird: September 23
      Regular: October 21

Student Travel Grant: September 9


      Field trip: October 23 (optional, extra registration fee)
      Regular session: October 24-25
      Award banquet: October 24

The average high temperature in October is 85F. Hope to see you in Tampa,

Steve McNutt & Jochen Braunmiller (meeting co-chairs)
University of South Florida

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