Thread: Post-Doctoral Researcher (Seismology)

Started: 2022-10-07 12:22:49
Last activity: 2022-10-07 12:22:49
Chastity AIKEN
2022-10-07 12:22:49
Institution: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) / Ifremer
Open Until: 2022-10-26

CNRS and Ifremer seek a post-doctoral researcher to detect and locate earthquake activity offshore Sicily in the Ionian Sea using land and marine data. Position to begin mi-January to early February 2023 for participation in embarkment on an oceanographic campaign.

- Participation in oceanographic campaigns to recover/deploy seismic instrumentation
- Treatment and processing of seismic data acquired by ocean-bottom seismometers including:
o Application of machine learning techniques to detect earthquake activity
o Determination of a local velocity model for earthquake location
o Location of detected earthquake activity
o Determination of first-motion polarities for focal mechanisms
- Interpretation of seismicity, locations, and focal mechanisms and in terms of the regional tectonics which includes the Calabria subduction zone, a network or strike-slip faults offshore Catania, and the Malta escarpment.
- Integration of the results with other disciplines are envisioned, such as data collected using distributed sensing interrogators (e.g. DAS, BOTDR) on a fiber optic cable offshore Catania, high resolution bathymetric data, active seismic profiles, and geodetic recordings.

- PhD in geophysics, specialized in seismology
- Strong computational and methodological skills with documented experience in machine learning and signal processing for detection and location
- Solid programming skills (e.g. Python, Matlab, Tensorflow/Pytorch)
- Capacity to integrate results in the context of the problem
- Good level of English
- Good writing and presentation skills
- Autonomy, organization, and rigor are essential
- Experience with ocean-bottom seismometer recovery is preferred but not required

More information and the application process:
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