Thread: AI+Science Postdoctoral Fellowship at UChicago

Started: 2022-10-16 03:18:40
Last activity: 2022-10-16 03:18:40
Sunyoung Park
2022-10-16 03:18:40
The University of Chicago has new AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowships:

AI+Science Postdoctoral Fellows Program:

Cohort 1 job ad (start date of Jan. 2023):

Cohort 2 job ad (start date Fall 2023):

These are intended for those interested in applying AI/ML techniques in different areas of scientific research. Fellows will be based at Chicago and will work with the research group(s) of their choosing at Chicago, Argonne, Fermilab, or the Marine Biological Lab in their scientific area of interest, but they will also form a cohort with the other Fellows and participate in a variety of activities as a group (seminar series, workshops, bootcamp training sessions, etc) and will have dedicated mentoring teams. Please see the links above for more information—applications must be submitted through Interfolio. Cohort 1 application review will start Nov. 7, Cohort 2 application review will start Nov. 15, so interested applicants are encouraged to have their materials in by those dates.


Sunyoung Park

Assistant Professor

Department of the Geophysical Sciences

The University of Chicago



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