Thread: 12 PhD positions in Europe within the doctoral network EnvSeis - Recruiting now !

Started: 2022-10-27 11:15:17
Last activity: 2022-10-27 11:15:17

Studying the Earth's surface with seismic methods

EnvSeis will train 12 early stage researchers (ESRs) in the emerging
field of environmental seismology, in which seismic methods are used to
study processes at or near the Earth's surface, such as landsliding,
river sediment transport, debris flows, and glacial processes. Seismic
techniques allow addressing challenges in the Earth surface sciences
that are intractable by traditional observation methods. The capacity of
environmental seismology has been proven, and first applications have
been published. Yet, most current research in this field is conducted
either by seismologists with an interest in Earth surface processes, or
by Earth surface scientists who learned basic seismic methods. The DN
EnvSeis will fully leverage the potential of environmental seismology by
fusing these complementary perspectives. Bringing together 10 leading
research groups from 7 countries, EnvSeis will train 12 ESRs in both
seismology and Earth surface sciences, to lay the ground for a next
strong generation of environmental seismologists. In their projects, the
ESRs will address outstanding challenges in natural hazards, hydrology,
geomorphology, and ocean sciences, applying seismic techniques to study
a broad range of landscapes and their processes, including hillslopes,
channels, glaciers, coasts and oceans. They will combine observation,
theory and numerical modelling to conduct ground-breaking science, to
develop new methods and software, and deliver benchmark data sets. As
such, they will set standards for using seismic methods in the Earth
surface sciences in Europe and beyond, establishing Europe as the leader
in this newly emerging field. Complementary training includes the
involvement of stakeholder and media partnerships, experience in
organizing conferences and workshops, as well as courses on transferable
skills. This will allow the ESRs to acquire a broad range of skills and
experience to make them competitive for careers in research, industry,
or public administration.

You can find a list of all projects and application information @, we are currently in the hiring process.

_Closing date depends on ESR projects, from the 5th of November 2022 to
the 31st of December 2022. _
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