Greetings to all!
I have two queries.
1. Picking the regional seismic phases:
Are there any possibilities of marking the regional seismic phases using auto pick?
2. Velocity model in SSSTRAVELTIME:
How to define the velocity model for computing the travel time apart from the pre-defined global velocity models (iasp91 and ak135)?
Prasad Kasulanati
Ph D Scholar
Geo Sciences and Technology Division
CSIR-Nort East Institute of Science and Technology
Jorhat - 785 006
I have two queries.
1. Picking the regional seismic phases:
Are there any possibilities of marking the regional seismic phases using auto pick?
2. Velocity model in SSSTRAVELTIME:
How to define the velocity model for computing the travel time apart from the pre-defined global velocity models (iasp91 and ak135)?
Prasad Kasulanati
Ph D Scholar
Geo Sciences and Technology Division
CSIR-Nort East Institute of Science and Technology
Jorhat - 785 006
Dear Prasad Kasulanati -
See the HELP information for the TRAVELTIME command in the SSS subprocess and the APK command.
For (2), if you don’t want to use any of the standard models, you can read in your own table of distance and travel times; SAC will use them to mark arrival times in the file header.
For (1), from the marks in the file header, you can use the autopicker available with the APK command to make specific phase picks. APK makes only one pick per SAC file, so you’ll have to (temporarily) cut your files around the approximate arrival times before using APK, and then copy the A and F markers that APK sets that describe each pick (and the pick quality in the KA header variable) to your full trace.
On 28 Oct 2022, at 13:28, Prasad Kasulanati (via IRIS) <sac-help-bounce<at>> wrote:
George Helffrich
Greetings to all!
I have two queries.
1. Picking the regional seismic phases:
Are there any possibilities of marking the regional seismic phases using auto pick?
2. Velocity model in SSSTRAVELTIME:
How to define the velocity model for computing the travel time apart from the pre-defined global velocity models (iasp91 and ak135)?
Prasad Kasulanati
Ph D Scholar
Geo Sciences and Technology Division
CSIR-Nort East Institute of Science and Technology
Jorhat - 785 006
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