Thread: convert sac to seed

Started: 2012-11-07 13:49:10
Last activity: 2012-11-07 13:49:10
Topics: SAC Help
Amr El-Sharkawy
2012-11-07 13:49:10

Dears sac users
how are you,

Please my professor can you tell me how to convert SAC data, which i request
and extract it from CTBTO stations, in to seed format.
or if possible how to convert sac data (which converted to sac from other format under linux operating system) to sac PC.
I am waiting your kind reply.
the data which I want to convert it from sac to seed or Y-format or miniseed, I got it from CTBTO.
but my problem is how to convert it from sac.
With all respect and appreciation
Amr El-Sharkawy
Seismologist, National Research Institute of

Astronomy and Geophysics, (NRIAG), Egypt.
e-mail: amr_elsharkawy22<at>
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