Thread: IUGG-IASPEI 2023 Symposium on “Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Hazard"

Started: 2023-02-14 19:55:36
Last activity: 2023-02-14 19:55:36
Topics: IASPEI Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

if not already done, please consider submitting an abstract and joining the session "Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Hazard".

A special attention will be given to the analysis of the first scientific results and lessons learned

from the recent devastating earthquakes in Türkiye/Syria.

Best regards

Fabrice Cotton, Trevor Allen, Dino Bindi, Carlo Cauzzi, Kuo-Fong Ma, Hiroe Miyake, Eric Thompson


IUGG-IASPEI 2023 Symposium on “Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Hazard". Abstract submission deadline is 21 February 2023, 23:59 Pacific Time.

Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Hazard

Convener(s): Fabrice Cotton (Germany) , Trevor Allen (Australia) Dino Bindi (Germany) Carlo Cauzzi (Switzerland) Kuo-Fong Ma (Taiwan) Hiroe Miyake (Japan) Eric Thompson (USA)


The aim of this session is to provide a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art as well as innovative ideas and methods using the latest generation of open ground-motion datasets, data-mining analysis, HPC to evaluate strong ground motion and assess seismic hazard.

We invite contributions related to:

(1) The estimation of earthquake ground motions and associated uncertainties (aleatoric and epistemic)
(2) Analysis of regional dependencies of source, path and site properties and their impact on ground motions and seismic hazard
(3) Assessment of ‘complex’ site effects (e.g. 2D/3D effects, non-linear effects, time dependencies), near-surface interactions, soil-structure interactions, ‘secondary’ hazards (e.g., earthquake induced mass movements, liquefaction, etc.)
(4) Characterization of near-source ground motion and assessment of source effects (e.g. pulses, directivity, fling step, etc.)
(5) New candidate parameters to characterize and model the shaking intensity
(6) Site-specific and ultra-high-density earthquake ground-motion modelling (e.g. non-ergodic ground-motion models, use of machine learning in engineering seismology)
(7) Improvement of current empirical ground-motion models by integrating physics-based models and waveforms
(8) Rapid characterization of event properties and rapid (urgent computing mode) ground shaking maps after a significant event employing instrumental and community-based intensity measures
(9) Transparent and innovative methods of testing and visualizing ground-motion and hazard models
(10) New instrumental ground-motion and macroseismic intensity datasets to complement and expand existing datasets.

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