Thread: SAC Software Request v101.5c-Linux 64 bit

Started: 2023-03-19 19:51:42
Last activity: 2023-03-20 07:42:16
Topics: SAC Help
2023-03-19 19:51:42
Hi everyone,
I hope you are doing well.
I am using the FORTRAN 77 program to obtain Coda attenuation. The program
is written with an old SAC version. When I use the new version, I got error
(please see the attachment). Now, I need an old version of SAC like v101.5c
Linux 64 bit or less to solve the problem.
I hope somebody can help me by sending an old SAC version that can use in
Ubuntu 64 bit.
Thanks in advance

  • George Helffrich
    2023-03-20 07:42:16
    Dear Abderrahim BOULANOUAR -

    From what I can tell from the errors you list, your SAC library is 32 bit and your machine is 64 bit. To get your program running, you have a couple of choices:

    1) get a newer version of the SAC i/o library that is 64 bit and use fort77 to link with that;

    2) if your machine can run both 32 and 64 bit programs, figure out how to make fort77 compile a 32 bit program and run that with your existing SAC i/o library;

    3) find a 32 bit machine to compile and run your old code on.

    None of these are really SAC problems, so talk to one of your colleagues for advice on any of the solutions suggested here - I am sure that somebody has experience with this.

    On 19 Mar 2023, at 19:52, Abderrahim (via IRIS) <sac-help-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are doing well.
    I am using the FORTRAN 77 program to obtain Coda attenuation. The program is written with an old SAC version. When I use the new version, I got error (please see the attachment). Now, I need an old version of SAC like v101.5c Linux 64 bit or less to solve the problem.
    I hope somebody can help me by sending an old SAC version that can use in Ubuntu 64 bit.
    Thanks in advance
    Abderrahim BOULANOUAR
    SAC Help
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    George Helffrich

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