AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for November 2016

The NSF-sponsored Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool would like to invite all ocean bottom seismometer operators, developers, data users, and interested parties to attend a Town Hall on “International Ocean Bottom Seismometer Experiments and Data” at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. This town hall will bring together operators and researchers from around the globe to exchange ideas on data acquisition and management, discuss recent or planned experiments and open data sets, and further de… [more]
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Nick Falco
2016-11-28 20:07:27
Forwarded on behalf of: Guust Nolet Geoazur -------------------- The development of a floating seismometer (Mermaid) has given rise to efforts to extend the global seismic network and enable acoustic/seismic measurements globally in the oceans. A beginning of such network, baptized EarthScope-Oceans, or ESO, will now become a reality in 2017. We therefore think it is timely to organize a meeting, open to anybody interested to discuss the future of environmental monitorin… [more]
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Hi listserv administrators. Could you please forward our reminder email to your lists? Thanks, Derek —————— Hi All, This is a friendly reminder to register by November 28 if you are interested in discussing the opportunities in an Earthscope-like deployment on the western Canadian Margin. An AGU workshop has been coordinated to solicit interest and collaboration for a new research initiative intended to continue an Earthscope-like instrumentation from the Beaufort Sea to the U… [more]
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The NSF-sponsored Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool would like to invite all ocean bottom seismometer operators, developers, users, and interested parties to attend a Town Hall on “International Ocean Bottom Seismometer Experiments and Data” at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. This town hall will bring together operators and researchers from around the globe to exchange ideas on data acquisition and management, discuss recent or planned experiments and open data sets, and further develop… [more]
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Derek Schutt
2016-11-05 03:52:49
Dear listserv administrators, can you please forward our message? Thanks, Derek ----- Dear Everyone, An AGU workshop has been coordinated to solicit interest and collaboration for a new research initiative intended to continue an Earthscope-like instrumentation from the Beaufort Sea to the US border along the Canadian Cordillera. GeoPRISMS initiatives in Cascadia and Alaska along with other recent projects in the north Pacific region have changed our understanding of the region’s… [more]
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Annie Burgess
2016-11-03 20:28:14
Hi IRIS - The popular science storytelling event Ignite@AGU is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2015 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. at Infusion Lounge. We’re looking for enthusiastic presenters who are excited to share their work in a fast-paced, non-traditional session. Each presenter has five minutes and 20 auto-advancing slides to discuss a science topic of their choice. If you’d like to give an Ignite talk, submit your talk proposal by November 14th. Check out Susan Hough's 2015 Ignite talk: An… [more]
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