AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for August 2016

Stefan Lisowski
2016-08-23 15:40:11
Hi All! This December before AGU, ISTI is considering running some more of our popular Earthworm training courses in San Francisco. In the course, we will be providing an expert's insight into the system. You will learn tricks and tips from our decades of experience operating and programming Earthworm. You will learn how to set up regional automatic earthquake detection with the latest release of Earthworm. We're breaking up this pre-AGU course into two parts, you can sig… [more]
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Margarete Jadamec
2016-08-03 16:32:28
Dear Colleagues, As computation and the influx of digital data are becoming an integral part of our science from the surface to the core, please consider submitting an abstract to one of these sessions to the AGU Fall Meeting and share your results and/or numerical approaches! Abstracts are due today (23:59 EDT). Session details for T032 and DI001 are also included below: (1) T032: State of the Art in Computational Geoscience (ID #13408)… [more]
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Margarete Jadamec
2016-08-03 15:37:00
Dear Colleagues, This is a reminder that AGU abstracts are due today, Wednesday Aug. 3rd, for the 2016 Fall AGU Meeting. The submission deadline is 23:59 EDT. To submit an abstract, navigate to: and search for a session. The list of Tectonophysics primary sessions and co-oganized sessions can be found here. Please scroll down to see the full listing: Look… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Caroline Eakin Australian National University -------------------- Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting your abstracts to the AGU session DI013: Slabs in the Mantle and the Fate of Subducted Material Subducting slabs are not only the primary source for chemical and thermal heterogeneity within the Earth’s mantle due to their dominating role in Earth’s mass transport, but are also the main drivers of both flow in their surroundings and … [more]
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Dear colleagues, Since there are only two days left to submit an abstract I think you should know about great seismic software related session S020: New developments in open source and academic seismic software. *Session ID#: *13036 Session Description: Importance of wide access to open source and free academic software is indisputable these days. Modern seismic software can be dedicated to single technique or can allow wide variety of uses, it can be simple and single threaded or aimed for … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session we have organized to highlight the scientific and infrastructure big ideas that have and will continue to enable progress in deep Earth research. The session is, in part, intended to commemorate the contributions of Adam Dziewonski. The invited presenters are Hitoshi Kawakatsu and Peter Olson. Sincerely, Ved Lekic on behalf of the conveners. DI010: Pillars of Deep Earth Research: Accomplishments, Limitations, and the R… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider to submit an abstract to the AGU session *NH010: "Ionospheric and Atmospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards: Existing Terrestrial and Potential Planetary Applications »*, with our apologies for multiple posting. Abstracts can be submitted via the AGU website The deadline for submission is August, 3. The detailed description of the session is as follows: Natural hazards, such as earthquakes,… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please, remember to submit your exciting abstracts in session *DI007: Heterogeneity in Earth's Deep Interior.* See the session details below; we encourage submissions from multidisciplinary studies of deep earth heterogeneities. Looking forward to see you in AGU! On behalf of the conveners, Pilar Madrigal *DI007: *Heterogeneity in Earth's Deep Interior - from natural and laboratory observations to theoretical models <… [more]
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Andrew Schaeffer
2016-08-01 03:51:17
Dear Colleagues, Please note the upcoming deadline for Abstract Submissions to the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting (12-16 December), on Wednesday August 3rd (23:59 EDT/03:59 UTC). To submit an abstract, navigate to: [] and search for a session. We would like to bring to your attention the Tectonophysics Session T005, "Characterizing the evolution of craton margins". We encourag… [more]
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