AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for December 2018

Over the next 2 years, IRIS will establish a pool of modern, portable magnetotelluric (MT) systems at the PASSCAL Instrument Center in Socorro, New Mexico. The facility aims to broaden PI participation in MT science by increasing opportunities for experiments by non-expert users and encouraging combined seismic-MT studies, with comprehensive training and support at no cost. This plan is fully described here: IRIS management and MT program go… [more]
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IRIS will be hosting a small side-bar meeting for those interested in the Alaska Transportable Array (ATA) at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. This meeting will focus on presentations and foster discussion on three topics related to the research results and capabilities of the ATA: key seismological results, ongoing interdisciplinary results (e.g. environmental seismology), and potential capabilities that are possible with additional instrumentation or analysis techniques. If you would like to attend… [more]
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Michael Hubenthal
2018-12-04 17:22:28
All, Are you be looking for your next great graduate student at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting? If so, checkout the work of the 2018 IRIS Undergraduate Interns. Seventeen of this year’s interns will be presenting at the 2018 Fall meeting. A listing of their presentations can be found on the internship program website (including both a downloadable pdsf and links into the AGU Fall meeting app). We look f… [more]
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Caroline Beghein
2018-12-03 05:11:35
Dear colleagues, The seismology section of the Fall AGU meeting needs you! There are still a few sessions with student presentations that do not have any or not enough judges (each presentation needs 3 judges in order for students to have a chance to get an award). I am asking you to consider signing up to evaluate a few posters or talks before Monday 3 December. Responsibilities as an OSPA Judge: · Register as a judge on the OSPA portal ( To do so, … [more]
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