AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for December 2019

Dear Colleagues, Please consider attending a special interest group during AGU 2019 entitled     "*Updating GSN Design Goals to Enable New Discoveries*" *Date:*    Thursday, December 12, 2019 *Time: *  12:30 to 2:00 pmPacific Time *Where*:  Hotel Zelos12 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94103MOMA Room* **RSVP:* (so that we can get an estimate for lunch orders) *Conveners:*      Katrin Hafner, IRIS GSN Program Manager      Pete Davis, Executive Director, Project IDA, … [more]
Harold Tobin
2019-12-04 09:40:12
Please join us for the SZ4D Initiative Town Hall Forum at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting! Thursday, December 12, 2019 — 6:30 pm Marriott Marquis Hotel - SoMa Room What is it? The 2019 SZ4D Town Hall at AGU will be an informational session to learn what SZ4D ( <>) is and aspires to become, and where the SZ4D Research Coordination Network plans to take it in the next few years. This forum will kick off a year of detailed planning activities by the RCN that will rely on ro… [more]
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Hi everyone, We are organizing the AGU Tectonophysics session "Advances in Methods for Observing and Modeling Seismic and Aseismic Processes" this year, which has an oral and a poster session on the Monday. We have one student oral presentation (at 8:30 AM) and seven student poster presentations in the afternoon, and are looking for volunteers to evaluate these for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award. If you'd be interested in judging and would like to sign up, that would be fantastic… [more]
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