AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for June 2019

Dear colleagues, We would like to bring your attention to the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting session entitled, “Boom, Zap, and Roar: Multi-disciplinary characterization of volcanic explosion, jet, and plume dynamics”. We invite contributions that explore this topic form a variety of perspectives. Please see below for more details on the session. *V008. Boom, Zap, and Roar: Multi-disciplinary characterization of volcanic explosion, jet, and plume dynamics* Explosive volcanic eruptions generate high… [more]
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Dear all, Please find below a session of interest in geodesy: Plate Motion, Continental Deformation, and Interseismic Strain Accumulation We seek studies examining the take up of plate motion in deforming zones and the buildup and release of elastic strain along major faults and in subduction zones using space geodetic measurements, geologic observations, and geophysical data such as seismicity, marine magnetic anomalies, and transform fault azimuths. How can GPS and InSAR be integrated to d… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, (Please excuse any cross postings about this session that you may receive.) Do you have experiences to share making workplaces more inclusive for geoscience professionals with disabilities? Are you a geoscience professional with a disability who would like to share your experiences? We are excited to invite you to share your success stories with your peers at AGU 2019, Session 82989: *Strategies to promote accessibility and inclusion for geoscientists with disabilities… [more]
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Stephanie James
2019-06-27 03:25:34
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the AGU 2019 session “Geophysical Advances in Cryospheric Processes, Structure, and Environmental Change.” This session will showcase the latest geophysical innovations and revelations in studies of the frozen Earth (permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, snow, etc.). This session is co-organized between Cryosphere, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Seismology sections. We hope you will submit an abstract and share this announcement with intere… [more]
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AGU Session S008 - Deep earthquake observations, mechanism, and related subduction dynamics It is already time to submit your AGU abstracts. Consider submitting to session S008: "Deep earthquake observations, mechanism, and related subduction dynamics" Submission deadline: Wed July 31st, 23:59 EDT Submit here: Session description: The physical mechanism of deep (including Intermediate-depth and deep-focus) earthquakes remain… [more]
Dear colleagues, We would invite you to submit your abstract to the AGU session T005 “A Multidisciplinary Understanding of The Formation and Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere in Collisional Orogens”. We aim to bring together different models, methods (geology, geophysics, tectonics, and geodynamics), evidence and ideas to highlight recent advances in understanding continental accretion and lithospheric evolution from a diversity of collisional environments in the world. Please see bel… [more]
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Charlotte Rowe
2019-06-26 16:19:54
Dear Colleagues: Please consider submitting an abstract to our special session on seafloor instrumentation advances, to be convened at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco. Session details: OS003 - Advances in Seafloor Instrumentation The pace of technological advances across all disciplines of geophysical data acquisition has accelerated in recent years. Such advances as fiber-optic seismic waveform reconstruction, miniaturized pressure sensors, robotic sensor deployment, and data ex… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU session: “T034. Multidisciplinary investigations of the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction Zone<>”. Recent initiatives including EarthScope and GeoPRISMS have generated a wealth of new data in the region, providing a unique opportunity for integrated studies of this dynamic subduction system. We aim to highlight and facilitate such studies by bringing together contributions from g… [more]
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Hello everyone, For those of you who have yet to submit an AGU abstract, please consider our session "S012: Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards" which aims to investigate different triggering mechanisms between earthquakes and other natural hazards (including earthquakes) through different observations, methods and etc. Submit here: Session Title: S012. Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards Primary Section: Seismology … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would invite you to submit your abstract to the AGU session T005 “A Multidisciplinary Understanding of The Formation and Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere in Collisional Orogens”. We aim to bring together different models, methods (geology, geophysics, tectonics, and geodynamics), evidence and ideas to highlight recent advances in understanding continental accretion and lithospheric evolution from a diversity of collisional environments in the world. Please see… [more]
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Ƶack Spica
2019-06-26 10:16:21
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting your work to the session* Ambient-noise seismology (S001)**, *in the Seismology Section of the 2019 AGU Fall meeting to be held in December 9-13 in San Francisco, CA. The full session description is below. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is *July 31*. We look forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Zack Spica, Nori Nakata, Lise Retailleau and Lucia Gualtieri ------------------------------------------------------------------… [more]
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Zack Spica
2019-06-25 11:40:35
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting your work to the session * Ambient field seismology**, *in the Seismology Section of the 2019 AGU Fall meeting to be held in December 9-13 in San Francisco, CA. The full session description is below. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is *July 31*. We look forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Ƶack Spica, Nori Nakata, Lise Retailleau and Lucia Gualtieri ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------… [more]
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Joshua B. Russell
2019-06-25 09:04:56
Dear Colleagues — Please consider submitting an abstract to the session below at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. The session will bring together researchers with new results from the exciting amphibious (offshore-onshore) geophysical experiments that have been undertaken in recent years and the unique challenges and advantages that come with crossing the coastline. We welcome submissions from a range of disciplines including, but not limited to, seismology, geodesy, and magnetotel… [more]
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Stephanie James
2019-06-24 07:08:27
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the AGU 2019 session “*Geophysical Advances in Cryospheric Processes, Structure, and Environmental Change*.” This session will showcase the latest geophysical innovations and revelations in studies of the frozen Earth (permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, snow, etc.). This session is co-organized between Cryosphere, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Seismology sections. We hope you will submit an abstract and share this announcement with interes… [more]
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Hello everyone, For those of you who have yet to submit an AGU abstract, please consider our session which aims to combine geophysics, geochemistry and geodynamics to better understand the lithosphere. Session description: Metasomatic changes in mantle rocks associated with subduction play a critical role in determining the chemical and isotopic characteristics of magmas produced during and after subduction. Our understanding of geodynamic behavior in subduction zones now urgently requires li… [more]
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Hello everyone- AGU 2019 abstracts are now being accepted! Please consider submitting an abstract to AGU session C022 “Investigating the Feedbacks between Solid Earth Properties and the Cryosphere”. The associated session description is provided below, and other details can be found at The abstract submission deadline is July 31, 2019. Hope to see you in San Francisco! Samantha Hansen C022 - Investigating the Feedbacks b… [more]
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Oliva, Sarah Jaye C
2019-06-20 18:03:21
Dear colleagues, The AGU 2019 abstract submission is now open! We wish to invite you to consider contributing your AGU Fall Meeting abstract to the following session focusing on magma-tectonic interactions: Session Title: V026. Interactions between Magmatism, Tectonics, and Faulting in Rifts, Arcs, Ridges, Calderas, and Volcanic Fields View Session Details:<… [more]
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Richard Aster
2019-06-19 17:12:19
Dear Colleagues — Kindly note the special session below at this year’s AGU. The session aims to connect scientists applying theoretical, field-based and experimental seismic methods to Earth surface and near-surface dynamics, and we invite contributions from geomorphology, cryospheric sciences, seismology, hazards, volcanology, soil sciences, rock mechanics, hydrology, and related fields. Best Regards, Rick, Brad, Danica, and Kate [AGU Fall Meeting 2019, , San Francisco] S014 … [more]
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It is already time to submit your AGU abstracts. Consider submitting to session S029: "Real-time earthquake assessment: Earthquake early warning to post-earthquake damage" Submission deadline: Wed July 31st, 23:59 EDT Submit here: Session description: Scientific and technological advances in real-time seismology and earthquake early warning mean we are approaching an era when assessments of the impact of an earthquake can be availabl… [more]
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Authors planning earthquake or tsunami hazards related presentations at the Fall AGU meeting might consider submitting to one of the relevant Natural Hazards sessions, listed below. Submissions to the Centennial Overview sessions are exempted from the first author rule, so the author is allowed to submit another abstract. NH008 Centennial Overview: Data science and the future of Natural Hazards Science NH009 Centennial Overview: Status and prospects of earthquake and tsunami forecasting an… [more]
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