AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for July 2019

Dear colleagues, With the deadline for submitting abstract getting closer, we would like to draw your attention to our AGU session: “T034. Multidisciplinary investigations of the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction Zone<>”. Recen… [more]
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Vedran Lekic
2019-07-30 12:17:12
Dear Colleagues, As you consider which AGU session to submit your abstract, you may get overwhelmed by the myriad individual session announcements. To help, your Fall Meeting DI Co-Chairs have compiled the list of the exciting DI sessions on offer this year, grouped by topic area. Happy Abstracting, --Ved and Colin *Centennial *(submitting an abstract to this session does not count against the limit of 1 invited + 1 submitted abstract per first author) - DI018: Understanding Globa… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, July 31st deadline is here! Submit your abstract to the AGU 2019 Fall Meeting session below: NS001 - Advances in Exploration Geophysics We seek abstracts on the advancement of geophysical methodology, instrumentation, processing, modeling and/or interpretation as applied to conventional/unconventional oil & gas, geothermal, mineral and water resources exploration.  Other areas of exploration as well as related environmental studies are also encouraged. Developments and case st… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session: ########## AGU 2019 DI009* – **“Exploring the Origin, Evolution and Implications of Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Heterogeneities*” ########## Session link: ** <> Invited Speakers: *Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni *(*University of California*, *Los Angeles*) *Zachary Eilon *(*University … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The AGU abstract deadline is July 31 at 23:59 EDT. We invite you to submit an abstract to our session, "T004 - Advances in Methods for Observing and Modeling Seismic and Aseismic Processes." The session description is as follows: Our ability to resolve aspects of the earthquake cycle continues to improve with the ongoing development of new geodetic and modeling techniques. To understand short-term and long-term tectonic processes in a complex earth, it is crucial to 1)… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the following session at the next AGU 2019 Fall meeting in San Francisco. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday July 31st. DI010: Heterogeneity in the Earth: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives from Imaging, Modeling, Geochemistry and Experiments Studies of heterogeneity provide a critical record of potential geochemical reservoirs, long-term tectonic processes and curr… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The submission deadline is drawing near for abstracts at 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. We would like to encourage your participation in our session, which is focused on *carbon *and*hydrogen* in the Earth’s interior: *Session ID*: 85234 *Session Title*: Carbon and Hydrogen in the Deep Earth *Section*: Mineral and Rock Physics (MR005) *Session Description*: Carbon and hydrogen both play significant roles in the physical, petrological, geochemical, and geodynamic processes that shape… [more]
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Stephanie James
2019-07-29 11:42:41
***apologies for multiple postings, there was an issue with incomplete delivery for some recipients*** Dear colleagues, We would like to remind you of the session "Geophysical Advances in Cryospheric Processes, Structure, and Environmental Change," at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019. This session is co-organized by Near-Surface Geophysics, Cryosphere and Seismology sections. Our invited presenters are Emma Smith (Alfred Wegener Institute) and David Rey (Colorado School of Mines). Please submit you… [more]
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Jyotirmoy Paul
2019-07-29 09:50:53
Dear Colleagues, We invite you to consider submitting an abstract in the following AGU 2019 session. Session title:DI016. The Geodynamics of Cratons <>Session abstract: Being the oldest lithosphere, cratons have experienced the consequences of complex geodynamic processes that have operated since the Archean. These thick, cold and old lithosphere provide us with a way to study the Archean earth. Moreover, their unique lithospheric properties often influ… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, AGU abstract submission closes on July 31. We look forward to your experiences in making workplaces more inclusive for geoscience professionals with disabilities. Submit an abstract to the following session and share your experiences with your peers at the centennial AGU Fall Meeting, 2019 in San Francisco. *Session ID: 82989* *Session Title: . Strategies to promote accessibility and inclusion for geoscientists with disabilities in geoscience research and industry* *Sect… [more]
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Stephanie James
2019-07-26 14:26:29
Dear colleagues, We would like to remind you of the session "*Geophysical Advances in Cryospheric Processes, Structure, and Environmental Change*," at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019. This session is co-organized by Near-Surface Geophysics, Cryosphere and Seismology sections. Our invited presenters are Emma Smith (Alfred Wegener Institute) and David Rey (Colorado School of Mines). Please submit your abstract at: We look forward to seeing you… [more]
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Dear Colleages, We hope you will consider our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “T058 - The northern Canadian Cordillera: tectonics, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, and geology<>,” The northern Canadian Cordillera, spanning from British Columbia north to the Yukon-Alaska border and the Beaufort Sea, is a complex seismogenic region consisting of accreted terranes and large-offset faults, past and present magmatism, multiple orogeni… [more]
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Dear Colleages, We hope you will consider our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “S040 - Using observables to infer mantle physical state<>" As data quantity and quality increase, and methods to analyze it become increasingly sophisticated, a deep understanding of the mapping between geophysical and other model outputs, such as velocity, to physical state values, such as temperature, becomes necessary. However, uncertainty in the mode… [more]
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Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos
2019-07-25 13:09:41
Dear colleagues, We are looking forward to having another great 3D Printing in the Earth and Planetary Science Education and Outreach session this coming December. We invite you to submit an abstract to *ED001: 3D Printing in Earth and Planetary Science Education and Outreach* ( 3D printing is a cutting-edge technology that holds tremendous promise for scientific research and education. For Earth and planetary scientists, the advantage… [more]
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One week until the July 31st deadline to submit your AGU abstracts. Consider submitting to Session: S029 Real-time earthquake assessment: Earthquake early warning to post-earthquake damage Submission deadline: Wed July 31st, 23:59 EDT Submit here: Scientific and technological advances in real-time seismology and earthquake early warning mean we are approaching an era when assessments of the impact of an earthquake can be available as… [more]
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Dear colleagues, we would like to draw your attention to the following AGU session (abstract submission deadline is July 31, 2019): S032 - Rotation and Strain in Seismology - Applications, Instrumentation and Theory Link: Invited Contributions: Nate Lindsey (UC Berkerley) David Mimoun (ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse) Conveners: Felix Bernauer (LMU, Munich) Eva P.S. Eibl (GFZ, Potsdam) Cedric Schmelzbach (ETH, Zurich) Toshi… [more]
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If your work relates to earthquake cycles and rupture from data (geology, geodesy or seismology), modeling or hazard perspective please consider submitting an abstract to this interdisciplinary session at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Abstracts are due in one week (July 31). *T041 - Physics Based Modeling of the Earthquake Cycle. Do Observations Matter?* During the last decades, our ability to document recent earthquake ruptures using field-based and remotely sensed observation… [more]
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We invite submissions to an interdisciplinary session planned to showcase examples of leading-edge time series and process-oriented subduction-zone research as is intended to be a hallmark of the nascent SZ4D Initiative. Please consider submitting abstracts on any aspect of subduction zone science that highlights new observational capability or methods, modeling of active processes related to earthquakes, volcanoes, and earth surface evolution, and time-series spanning seconds to millions of … [more]
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The AGU 2019 abstract deadline is only one week away! Please consider submitting an abstract to session C022 “Investigating the Feedbacks between Solid Earth Properties and the Cryosphere”. The associated session description is provided below, and other details can be found at Hope to see you in San Francisco! Samantha Hansen C022 - Investigating the Feedbacks between Solid Earth Properties and the Cryosphere As our clima… [more]
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Panning, Mark P (3223)
2019-07-23 22:12:06
Hello all, Please consider submitting your AGU abstract to session DI007 (the James Bond of deep interior sessions) “Exploring Mars with InSight: First Year Results” Direct link to session: This session is open to people inside and outside of the mission and will have invited presentations from the mission PI, Bruce Banerdt and seismic instrument PI, Philippe Lognonné. The first few months of data is already out there on the IRI… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU session: “T034. Multidisciplinary investigations of the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction Zone<>”. Recent initiatives including EarthScope and GeoPRISMS have generated a wealth of new data in the region, providing a unique opportunity for integrated studies of this dynamic subduction system. We aim to highlight and facilitate such studies by bringing together contributions from g… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We are writing to you to encourage you to submit your research to the following AGU session in San Francisco: *T043 - Role of sediments on the dynamics of active convergent margins* ( <… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to AGU session "DI011: Mantle Dynamics and Seismic Anisotropy: Observations, Models, and Experiments" at the upcoming AGU 2019 Fall Meeting. Abstracts can be submitted to this session here: Session Description: DI011: Mantle Dynamics and Seismic Anisotropy: Observations, Models, and Experiments "Understanding mantle dynamics is a fundamental goal of solid Earth science. H… [more]
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Dear Colleague: Are you interested on inverse theory and seismic imaging related issues and problems? Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Frontiers in Theoretical and Computational Seismology at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting next December 2019 in San Francisco, California. Frontiers in Theoretical and Computational Seismology Numerous recent advances in seismology have been driven by developments in numerical simulations, forward and inverse modeling theories, and rapi… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting: T028. Interplay between structure, fluids, and deformation processes at subduction zones ( The session description is as below. The submission deadline is 31 July, 2019 at 23:59 EDT. T028. Interplay between structure, fluids, and deformation processes at subduction zones Deformation processes at subduction zones span a vast range of s… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, If your research includes oceanic lithosphere and you plan to attend this year's AGU Fall Meeting, please consider submitting an abstract to this broad marine tectonics session: T022 - Formation, Evolution, and Destruction of the Oceanic Lithosphere. Please see below for details about our session: Invited Speakers: Catherine Rychert (University of Southampton), Brian Boston (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) Session Description: The oceanic lithosphere plays an esse… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU 2019 Fall Meeting session, T044 – Segmentation and Supercycles: Observations and Models of Earthquake Recurrence Patterns. We welcome submissions of either observations or models of earthquake rupture recurrence in all types of tectonic environments. The session description is as follows: Earthquake rupture segmentation and cyclicity can be complex; nevertheless, recognizable patterns in earthquake recurrence emerge from lon… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We wish to invite you to consider contributing your AGU Fall Meeting abstract to the following session focusing on magma-tectonic interactions: Session Title: V026. Interactions between Magmatism, Tectonics, and Faulting in Rifts, Arcs, Ridges, Calderas, and Volcanic Fields View Session Details:<… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following AGU session. The deadline for submitting an abstract is July 31, 2019. *S033: Seafloor Pressure Measurements for Seismology and Geodesy: Applications, Challenges, and Advances* *Invited speakers:* Spahr C Webb     Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Eiichiro Araki      JAMSTEC *Direct link to abstract**:* *Conveners:* Anne Sheehan             University of Colorad… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the 2019 AGU Fall meeting session NH024: “*Ionospheric and Atmospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards and Manmade Events*” co-organized by Natural Hazards, Atmospheric Sciences, and SPA-Aeronomy Sections. The session will focus on understanding the ionospheric and atmospheric responses to impulsive events at, or near, the surface of the Earth, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts, severe tropospheri… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU 2019 Fall Meeting session, "T004 - Advances in Methods for Observing and Modeling Seismic and Aseismic Processes" The session description is as follows: Our ability to resolve aspects of the earthquake cycle continues to improve with the ongoing development of new geodetic and modeling techniques. To understand short-term and long-term tectonic processes in a complex earth, it is crucial to 1) correctly separate the con… [more]
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2019-07-16 19:47:05
Colleagues – To celebrate 100 years of AGU, the 2019 Fall AGU meeting features unique Centennial sessions that have been group as a SWIRL. All first authors may submit one standard contributed abstract AND one abstract to a Centennial SWIRL session. Centennial SWIRL sessions in Seismology include: S002 - Centennial: One Hundred Years of Seismology Through this session the Seismology Section will mark AGU’s centennial by considering 100 years of seismology. We welcome contributions tha… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, For those of you who have not yet to submit an AGU abstract, please consider our session "S012: Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards" which aims to investigate different triggering mechanisms between earthquakes and other natural hazards (including earthquakes) through different observations, methods and etc. Submit here: Session Title: S012. Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards Invited Speakers: Jean-Phil… [more]
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Daniel Portner
2019-07-16 14:10:06
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting: T047. Slab windows: interactions between mantle dynamics and shallow processes Session description: Subduction of heterogeneities in the incoming plate such as active spreading ridges often leads to the formation of gaps in the downgoing slab. Such gaps or windows allow transfers between the subslab mantle and the mantle wedge… [more]
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Please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU fall meeting's special session on the recent California earthquakes. *S041. The 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes* *Session link:* *Abstract:* The July 4, 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and July 6, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes ruptured an orthogonal fault system located approximately 200 km north-northeast of Los Angeles, California, with the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthqu… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session: =============== AGU 2019 DI009* – **“Exploring the Origin, Evolution and Implications of Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Heterogeneities*” =============== Session link: ** <> Invited Speakers: *Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni *(*University of California*, *Los Angeles*) *Zachary Eilon *(*U… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We encourage you to consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting: S019. Harnessing the EarthScope Data Revolution Toward Convergence<… [more]
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If you are planning to attend the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, please consider submitting an abstract to the following session: *V056 - Volcano Seismology and Acoustics: Recent Advances in Understanding Volcanic Processes* Volcanic eruptions may involve a variety of hazardous phenomena including ash plumes, gas emissions, explosions, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and lahars. Mass wasting may also occur during periods of volcanic quiescence. All of these phenomena produce seismic and infrasound … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to our cross-disciplinary session on core-mantle interactions: DI004 - Coupling the deep mantle and core: reconciliation of observations, experiments and numerical modelling at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 (December 9-13) in San Francisco, CA. Session link: Primary Section: Study of Earth's Deep Interior Confirmed invited speakers: Chris Davies (University of Leeds) Maria Tsekhmistren… [more]
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Tharimena, Saikiran (3226)
2019-07-15 05:36:41
Dear colleagues, We’d like to cordially invite you to contribute to our session, “P016 – Ice and Ocean Worlds: Geology, oceanography, chemistry, habitability”, at this year’s AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues, postdocs and students. Session details and submission link: Session Title: P016 – Ice and Ocean Worlds: Geology, Oceanography, Chemistry, Habitability This sessi… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session below at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. AGU Session S026: Methodological innovations and applications in seismic wave physics: wave scattering, attenuation and amplitude information The session description is as follows: Seismic wavefield carries ample information in regards to the medium it propagates through. For example, seismic scattering reveals structural discontinuities and velocity heterogeneity;… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The "Advances in Exploration Geophysics" Session has consistently attracted interesting oral and poster presentation over the past 5 years. This year, in addition to encouraging participation from industries and academics, we want to promote active involvement of students and early careers (with active feedback during the session). Hence we are soliciting your abstract submission. Lets have another interesting scientific, networking and other career related interactions. We lo… [more]
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2019-07-13 00:31:31
Colleagues – To celebrate 100 years of AGU, the 2019 Fall AGU meeting features unique Centennial sessions that have been group as a SWIRL. All first authors may submit one standard contributed abstract AND one abstract to a Centennial SWIRL session. Centennial SWIRL sessions in Seismology include: S002 - Centennial: One Hundred Years of Seismology Through this session the Seismology Section will mark AGU’s centennial by considering 100 years of seismology. We welcome contributions tha… [more]
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Jyotirmoy Paul
2019-07-12 10:42:54
Dear Colleagues, We invite you to consider submitting an abstract in the following AGU 2019 session. Session title: DI016. The Geodynamics of Cratons <>Session abstract: Being the oldest lithosphere, cratons have experienced the consequences of complex geodynamic processes that have operated since the Archean. These thick, cold and old lithosphere provide us with a way to study the Archean earth. Moreover, their unique lithospheric properties often infl… [more]
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Jiang, Chengxin
2019-07-12 01:34:26
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting (click this link to submit your abstract today!) Session Title: T029. Life and Death of Cratons: Craton Interactions with Collision, Subduction, and Volcanism – Global Perspective and the Wyoming Province as an Example Session Description: Cratons are characterized by Archean crust in surface observations of basement roc… [more]
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Colleagues - Please consider submitting an abstract to session PA021 - Exploring communication, education, outreach, and social science associated with earthquake early warning systems In 1993, Mexico City launched the first earthquake early warning (EEW) system to alert people that stronger shaking was on its way. Since that time EEW has been implemented across the world, in Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, and elsewhere. Soon, the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the … [more]
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Colleagues – Help us celebrate 100 years of seismology at the 2019 AGU meeting! Abstracts submitted to S002 – Centennial: One Hundred Years of Seismology may be contributed IN ADDITION TO a standard contributed science abstract and an invited abstract. We welcome contributions that are both retrospective and prospective. The goal of the session is to first summarize important achievements in seismology over the past century, since the founding of AGU. We will complement that with predi… [more]
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Wendy Bohon
2019-07-11 10:25:36
Please consider submitting an abstract to session *PA014 - Contentious communication from the classroom to the chatroom: how to have productive conversations about emotionally charged topics* Some of the most challenging topics facing the world today are also the most contentious. It is critical that scientists have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively about potentially polarizing issues to a diverse audience that includes students, lawmakers and the public. The growing body of s… [more]
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2019-07-10 21:41:42
Greetings, We wish to announce an AGU 2019 Fall Meeting session that we think may interest you: The Likelihood, Nature, and Consequences of Future Great Himalayan Earthquakes<>. Our intent is to bring clarity and attention to the severe earthquake risks faced by people in the Himalaya. In particular, westernmost Nepal, Bhutan, and adjacent India are key areas as they have not experienced a major earthquake in centuries, and will experience… [more]
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Vashan D Wright
2019-07-10 17:00:19
Dear Colleagues: AGU has begun accepting abstracts for its Fall 2019 Meeting in San Francisco. We want to draw your attention to the session entitled 'Time-lapse and Baseline Geophysical Studies in Coastal Areas and Floodplains'. This session welcomes: * Studies of natural and human-induced temporal changes in the near-subsurface, especially in coastal areas at the transition between land and sea * Studies focusing on quantifying changes in groundwater quality, water storage and, g… [more]
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Ballmer, Maxim
2019-07-10 08:16:10
Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit your abstracts to this cross-disciplinary session on mantle transition zone DI017 - Thermochemical Nature of the Mantle Transition Zone The mantle transition zone acts as a gatekeeper of heat and material exchange between the upper and lower mantle. The unique thermochemical nature of the region surrounding the mantle transition zone is manifested by observed seismic anomalies, major and trace element composition of xenoliths and ultradeep diamond… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU 2019 Fall Meeting session, "T004 - Advances in Methods for Observing and Modeling Seismic and Aseismic Processes" The session description is as follows: Our ability to resolve aspects of the earthquake cycle continues to improve with the ongoing development of new geodetic and modeling techniques. To understand short-term and long-term tectonic processes in a complex earth, it is crucial to 1) correctly separate the contribut… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to our 2019 AGU Fall Meeting session *"T057 - The manifestation of subduction: geochemical, petrological, and geophysical constraints on lithospheric structure, composition, and evolution <>". *We welcome contributions that focus on investigating subduction zone systems from a multi-disciplinary perspective. See below for a more detailed description of the session. We look … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU Fall Meeting 2019 session, T026 - Integrating Plate Interface Rheology and Seismicity with Subduction Zone Geodynamics. The interdisciplinary session aims to explore the interplay between rheological dynamics at the shear/fault zone scale and large scale subduction geodynamics, with a focus on the implications for seismicity. Invited Presenters: Paola Vannucchi (Royal Holloway, Univ. of London) Sylvain Barbot (USC) Conv… [more]
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Christine Ruhl
2019-07-08 15:25:58
Dear Colleagues, The recent M6.4 and M7.1 earthquakes in Southern California serve as a timely reminder to announce our AGU, EGU, and JpGU co-sponsored session on earthquake foreshocks at a variety of scales. Please consider submitting your abstract to the following session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting by July 31, 2019: *S009 - Earthquake Foreshocks: From Laboratory to Megathrust Scale* As one of the most concrete and well-documented examples of precursory activity, foreshocks have remained … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite abstract submissions to our 2019 AGU Fall Meeting session *V009: Caldera-Rift Systems and New Insights into Basaltic Volcano Dynamics*. We welcome contributions from a variety of disciplines and on a range of basaltic volcanic systems. Please see below for additional details about the session. *Invited Speakers*: Donald Swanson (USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory), Thorbjorg Agustsdottir (Iceland GeoSurvey) *Session Summary*: Recent observations of coupled rift intr… [more]
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Ying Zhou
2019-07-08 11:00:07
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to *two sessions *on the *Oceanic Lithosphere and Mantle* at the 2019 Fall AGU Meeting: *DI013 - Structure and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere and Mantle --- I Observations* The oceans represent the majority of the Earth’s surface, but because they are inhospitable and not easily accessible, data from the marine environment remains sparse. This sampling problem has limited our understanding of fundamental solid-earth processes, fr… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU 2019 session (deadline for submission July 31!) S031 - Resolving the Complexity of Earthquake Processes Our collective understanding of earthquake processes has seen great progress through combined modeling efforts across multiple temporal and spatial scales, the inclusion of diverse datasets, and the comparison of modeling results with numerical and laboratory experiments. However, our interpretations of earthquake sourc… [more]
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Valère Lambert
2019-07-07 09:43:43
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session being organized by the Seismology section at the upcoming 2019 AGU Fall meeting: S021 - How do earthquakes start? Invited speakers: Emily Brodsky, University of California Santa Cruz Paul Johnson, Los Alamos National Laboratory Session Description: While a number of physical processes and properties, such as fault frictional/structural heterogeneity, the presence of fluids, thermal effects, aseismic de… [more]
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Scott Paterson
2019-07-05 19:24:02
Dear colleagues, Another AGU session to consider. Magmatic Sedimentology: a Critical Appraisal of Crystal Re-distribution in Plutons Conveners: Marian Holness (Cambridge), Scott Paterson (University Southern California), Katie Ardill (University Southern California), Charlotte Gordon (Cambridge) Confirmed Invited Speakers: George Bergantz: Forces, friction and fabric: microstructural controls on common plutonic fabrics Roberto Weinberg: Crystal - melt separation in magmas: the field evidence … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session in AGU 2019 (San Francisco, CA, Dec 09-13). Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline July 31). We look forward to your participation! S015 - Extracting Information from Geophysical Signals with Machine Learning ( Recent advances in machine learning show great promise in geophysical applications, which include earthquake detection, phase … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the following session at the next AGU 2019 Fall meeting in San Francisco. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday July 31st. DI010: Heterogeneity in the Earth: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives from Imaging, Modeling, Geochemistry and Experiments Studies of heterogeneity provide a critical record of potential geochemical reservoirs, long-term tectonic processes and curr… [more]
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Bowman, Daniel
2019-07-04 19:06:48
Dear Colleagues, We would like to let you know about our session: "A117 - Sounds of the Solar System: Geophysical and Planetary Acoustics". We welcome submissions regarding the geophysical acoustics of Earth and other planets. Session description is below. See you in San Francisco! Best, Danny Bowman Forces imposed on the atmosphere of Earth and other planets can create acoustic waves that travel vast distances, providing information on their source and the transmission medium. On E… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to session T060 at the forthcoming AGU Fall Meeting:<>. Our invited speakers will be: Nicholas Swanson-Hysell, UC Berkeley Stephan Sobolev, GFZ Postdam Best wishes, Zheng-Xiang Li Claire Mallard Nicolas Flament Nan Zhang |__| __|__| __|__| __|__| __|__| __|__| __|__| … [more]
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William Ellsworth
2019-07-03 18:18:36
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session we are organizing on the 10th anniversary of the L’Aquila, Italy, earthquake. S011 - Earthquakes cascade and Earthquake Hazard in the Italian Apennines: Ten Years After L’Aquila. Multiple M6+ earthquakes have shaken the Apennine Mountains of central Italy over recent decades (Colfiorito 1997, L’Aquila 2009, Amatrice-Visso-Norcia 2016), making it among the most active areas of Europe with very high vulnerability leading to t… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention and invite you to submit an abstract to the session: Seismic Moment Tensors and Crustal Stress Fields: Methods of Analysis and Contributions to Geodynamic Modeling, Session ID: 78313 - Section: Seismology Session description: Seismic moment tensors are fundamental to study the relationship between earthquakes, seismic faults and active tectonics, and several waveform modeling methods allow to estimate them through different approach… [more]
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Dear Colleages, We hope you will consider our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “S040 - Using observables to infer mantle physical state<>" As data quantity and quality increase, and methods to analyze it become increasingly sophisticated, a deep understanding of the mapping between geophysical and other model outputs, such as velocity, to physical state values, such as temperature, becomes necessary. However, uncertainty in the mode… [more]
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Dear Colleages, We hope you will consider our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “T058 - The northern Canadian Cordillera: tectonics, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, and geology<>,” The northern Canadian Cordillera, spanning from British Columbia north to the Yukon-Alaska border and the Beaufort Sea, is a complex seismogenic region consisting of accreted terranes and large-offset faults, past and present magmatism, multiple orogeni… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Apologies for cross-posting. We would like to invite abstract submissions to the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting session entitled ‘Glaciovolcanism: Recent Advances in Understanding the Interaction of Glaciers and Volcanoes’. We are looking for contributions that explore this topic from a variety of perspectives, including geophysical studies, experimental and numerical simulations, field studies, geochemical studies, and others. Please see below for more details of the session: V02… [more]
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Karen Luttrell
2019-07-01 17:27:46
Dear Colleagues, Are you doing research on some aspect of Yellowstone or a similar caldera system? Would you like to highlight your work at AGU's 2019 Centennial meeting in San Francisco? Well, you're in luck! Session V029: Magmatic and Hydrothermal Activity of the Yellowstone Plateau, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Volcano As we all know, Yellowstone is home to the densest concentration of hydrothermal features in the world and is a site of diverse volcanism, from small s… [more]
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Please consider to submit an abstract to the following 2019 AGU Fall Meeting session: S018: Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Storage of CO2 Session Description: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to be studied as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change using geologic storage of CO2. Ongoing worldwide large-scale projects for geologic CO2 storage and/or utilization pose many scientific questions linking academic and industrial research. Geophy… [more]
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AGU Session S008 - Deep earthquake observations, mechanism, and related subduction dynamics It is already time to submit your AGU abstracts. Consider submitting to session S008: "Deep earthquake observations, mechanism, and related subduction dynamics" Submission deadline: Wed July 31st, 23:59 EDT Submit here: Session description: The physical mechanism of deep (including Intermediate-depth and deep-focus) earthquakes remain… [more]
Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting: T028. Interplay between structure, fluids, and deformation processes at subduction zones ( The session description is as below. The submission deadline is 31 July, 2019 at 23:59 EDT. T028. Interplay between structure, fluids, and deformation processes at subduction zones Deformation processes at subduction zones span a vast rang… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session below at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. AGU Session S010: Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation (Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation): Theory, Validation and Application The session will bring together researchers with new results from development, verification and validation of numerical ground motion simulations based on dynamic rupture and seismic wave propagations, and their applications in real … [more]
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