AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for June 2020

The AGU Natural Hazards section is seeking volunteers for a nascent, and tentatively titled, Equity in Natural Disaster Mitigation group. In addition to supporting AGU-wide activities, the NH section focusses on understanding and mitigating the effects of natural hazards. It has long been recognized that low income and minority communities are often especially vulnerable because of both location and building stock, and less resilient because of having fewer resources for rebuilding due to effec… [more]
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Dear colleagues, For those of you interested in the evolution of rifting and the role of melt, please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at AGU (submissions open near the end of June): Session Title: Where is the melt during the evolution of continental rifting? Session Description: Continental rupture requires weakening mechanisms to overcome lithospheric strength. Magma is one factor that can play a critical role in accommodating strain partitioning during continental… [more]
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