AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for July 2020

Mellors, Robert J.
2020-07-30 00:57:41
Lost trying to figure out the right AGU session for your global security abstract? Try S008 - Earth Science Research Supporting Global Security! Thanks, The Session conveners
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Please consider to submit an abstract to the following 2020 AGU Fall Meeting session. S013. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Storage of CO2 Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to be studied as a means for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change through sequestration of CO2 in geologic formations at depth. Ongoing projects evaluating geologic CO2 storage at scale pose an array of scientific questions which link academic and industrial research on a topic o… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “T027 - The Alaskan and Northern Canadian Cordillera: Tectonics, Petrology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geology”. The Alaskan and northern Canadian Cordillera, stretching from British Columbia and southeast Alaska to the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas, is a seismogenic region consisting of accreted terranes and large-offset faults, past and present magmatism, multiple orogenic episodes, and … [more]
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Lucile Bruhat
2020-07-09 10:51:18 - 2020-07-27 16:09:34
Dear colleagues and friends, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session "S001 - Advances in understanding the mechanics behind aseismic transient slip events" at the 2020 AGU Fall meeting. Slow, aseismic slip provides insight into areas of faults where frictional properties are conditionally stable. Yet our current understanding of the mechanics of slow slip transients cannot explain either their broad diversity, both … [more]
Dear Colleagues, With abstract submissions upon us, we would like to be sure to draw your attention to the AGU session DI016 "Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Dynamics: Observations, Models, and Experiments" at the upcoming Fall 2020 AGU Meeting. Abstracts can be submitted to this session here: Session Description: Understanding mantle dynamics is fundamental for the study of the solid Earth. However, there are still many challenges… [more]
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2020-07-27 10:31:42
Dear all, The annual AGU Fall Meeting will be held virtually from 7-11 December 2020. We welcome those interested in supershear earthquakes to submit an abstract to the session below. Invited Presenters: David Oglesby (UC Riverside) Vito Rubino (Caltech) Session Title: Supershear Earthquakes: Recent Observational, Experimental, and Theoretical Developments Section: Seismology (S026) Session Link: Session Description: Supe… [more]
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Dear colleagues: Please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU fall meeting 2020 session: C009 - Continuous GNSS and seismic networks: New results and novel uses of ANET, GNET, and GLISN data. Submit here until 29 July 2020: Session description: Networks of GNSS and seismic instrumentation were deployed in Antarctica and Greenland as part of, and following, the International Polar Year. The science goals of the networks included u… [more]
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Haiyang Kehoe
2020-07-27 00:04:35
Dear colleagues, The annual AGU Fall Meeting will be held virtually from 7-11 December 2020. We welcome those interested in supershear earthquakes to submit an abstract to the session below. Session Title: Supershear Earthquakes: Recent Observational, Experimental, and Theoretical Developments Section: Seismology (S026) Session Link: Conveners: Haiyang Kehoe (University of Arizona), Han Bao (University of California, Los An… [more]
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Neala Creasy
2020-07-26 00:26:59
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session: “Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Dynamics: Observations, Models, and Experiments” as part of the AGU fall meeting, December 7- 11, 2020. The session will focus on recent progress in lower mantle studies and invites submissions from sub-fields across the Earth sciences. ( Session Description: Understanding mantle dynamics is fundamental for the study of the sol… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session listed in the Tectonophysics section at the upcoming 2020 AGU Fall meeting: T001 - 100-year Anniversary of the Great 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake: What Did We Learn From Large Continental Earthquakes Website: Deadline: July 29, 2020 Session Description: The 1920 great Haiyuan earthquake is one of the largest and most deadly continental earthquakes in the w… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, we invite you to submit your work to the session *S019. Observation of Rotation, Strain and Translation in Seismology – Applications, Instrumentation and Theory* (see the full session description below). Please note that AGU2020 will be *virtuell*, and that the abstract submission deadline is *July 29 2020.* The first part of the session will be a panel discussion where we welcome the following invited panelists:… [more]
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Dear all, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session: “Advances in deciphering the structure, mineralogy and composition of the lower mantle” as part of the AGU fall meeting, December 7- 11, 2020. The session will focus on recent progress in lower mantle studies and invites submissions from sub-fields across the Earth sciences. ( Session Description: The lower mantle accounts for over half of the Earth’s mass and plays … [more]
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Hi everyone, This year at AGU, we are organizing the AGU session "Reconciling Estimates of Brittle and Ductile Lithosphere Rheology across Temporal and Spatial Scales," session T022, co-listed between Tectonophysics, Geodesy and Mineral and Rock Physics. It is a combination of a discussion featuring six panelists plus one or more regular-format sessions (oral and/or poster, depending on how they are allocated). We would like to invite you to present your research in the regular-format p… [more]
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Dear colleagues, To all of you who are exploring, imaging or modelling the architecture of the Antarctic or the Arctic crust and lithosphere using geophysical or geological approaches; studying the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the polar regions; or investigating how subglacial geology, crust and lithosphere influences past and present topography, geothermal heat flux and the overlying polar ice sheets; It is a pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract to our broad and interdisc… [more]
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Ƶack Spica
2020-07-17 11:41:57
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting your work to the session <> * Ambient-Noise Seismology**, *in the Seismology Section of the 2020 AGU Fall meeting, which will be held virtually this year. The full session description is below. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is *July 29*, 2020. This year, we are pleased to host Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos (LBNL) and Jorge Castillo Castellanos (CalTech) as invited speakers. We… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, AGU is offering the 2020 Fall Meeting (December 7-11th), as an online Virtual Conference this year. We would like to draw your attention and request that you submit an abstract to our multidisciplinary AGU session in the Science and Society section, and co-sponsored by Natural Hazards and Education. Because this session is in Science and Society, you can submit a first-authored abstract here and to another session, respectively. SY044 - The Human Dimension: Social Science, C… [more]
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Laura Ermert
2020-07-16 06:40:52
Dear colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to our 2020 AGU Fall Meeting session: S004 – Correlation seismology: A new perspective on seismic interferometry Abstract submission deadline: July 29, 2020 The goal of this session is to discuss correlation-based imaging and monitoring without requiring the retrieval of empirical Green's functions, but using any type of data, e.g. ambient noise/earthquakecoda/controlled sources. Invite… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session *T012 - Geophysical, Mechanical, and Geologic Constraints on the Subduction Interface* at the Fall 2020 AGU Meeting. Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline: July 29). *Session Description:* Our understanding of subduction interface slip behavior and structure comes from integration of geophysical imaging, experimental studies, and observations from the rock record. The rheology and structure of the plate interface … [more]
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Dear colleagues and friends, For those of you interested in the tectonics and geodynamics of Africa, please consider submitting your abstract to the following AGU session (abstracts submission deadline is 29th of July): Session title: T021. Recent Advances and Future Directions in Studying the Tectonics and Geodynamics of Africa Session description: The African continent comprises of vast cratonic fragments that have gone through a series of amalgamation and rifting processes which h… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, AGU Fall 2020 Meeting will be Virtual (mostly) & San Francisco (possibly) – It would be fun to share research and projects’ results prior to and during COVID-19 and also talk about the challenges. The "Advances in Exploration Geophysics" Session has consistently attracted interesting oral and poster presentations over the past 5 years. This year, in addition to encouraging participation from industries and academics, we want to promote active involvement of students and e… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit your 2020 AGU Fall Meeting abstracts to our session on Ocean-Bottom Seismology. This session will bring together scientists studying problems in oceanography and solid earth geophysics, as well as the methods and instruments that enable this research. Session details below. The abstract deadline is Wednesday, 29 July at 23:59 EDT. Submit your abstract here: Best, Nate, Char, Susan, Fr… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite your contributions to the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 session on the structure and evolution of oceanic lithosphere and mantle. Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions. *Session Information:* *Title:* DI017. Structure and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere and Mantle *Description:* The structure and dynamics of the oceanic lithosphere and underlying mantle are important for understanding Earth e… [more]
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Dear colleagues, If your research aims to advances seismic inversion, we invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the session S027 “Theoretical and Computational Advances in Seismology”. Our invited speakers this year are: Joeri Brackenhoff, from Delft University of Technology and Adrien Arnulf from the University of Texas at Austin. Link to submit to this session: Description of the session: Numerous recent advances in… [more]
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Brandon VanderBeek
2020-07-13 22:23:10
Dear IRIS community, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU Fall meeting session titled 'Linking Structure and Dynamics of Subduction Zones Across Scales'. Please see the session abstract below for further details. Thank you, Miles Bodmer (University of Oregon) Brandon VanderBeek (Università di Padova) <Abstract> Subduction zones are responsible for the largest earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis on earth and are key to the convective cycling of earth’s materia… [more]
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Cara Vennari
2020-07-13 17:10:47
Dear all, The submission deadline is drawing near for abstracts at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting. We would like to encourage your participation in our session, which is focused on volatiles in the Earth’s interior: Session Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Volatiles in Earth's Mantle Section: Study of the Earth's Deep Interior (DI002) Session Description: Volatiles are fundamental to the physical, chemical, and biological evolution of the Earth. The mantle is a large reservoir for… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session in AGU 2020 (online, Dec 07-11). Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline July 29). We look forward to your participation! S010 - Extracting Information from Geophysical Signals with Machine Learning ( Recent advances in machine learning show great promise in geophysical applications, which include earthquake detection, phase picking… [more]
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Dear colleagues and friends, For those of you working with satellite geophysics data, please consider submitting your abstract to the following AGU session (abstracts submission deadline is 29th of July): Session title: Advances in Satellite Potential Field Geophysics to Study the Earth's Deep Interior Session description: Satellite potential field missions, e.g., GRACE, GOCE, CHAMP and Swarm, have played a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the Earth's deep interior f… [more]
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Valère Lambert
2020-07-13 10:00:57
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session being organized by the Seismology section at the upcoming 2020 AGU Fall meeting: *S014** - How do earthquakes start?* *Session Description:* While a number of physical processes and properties, such as fault frictional/structural heterogeneity, the presence of fluids, thermal effects, aseismic deformation, as well as static and dynamic stress changes, have been proposed to play a role in the nucleation and … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to consider submitting an abstract to our AGU 2020 session. Abstract submission deadline is 29 July, 2020 (11:59PM, ET) S016 - Modeling and imaging complex earthquake ruptures Our collective understanding of earthquake source processes has been improved through modeling efforts across multiple temporal and spatial scales, investigations of diverse datasets, understanding of potential… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite you to consider submitting an abstract to our Planetary Interiors session — Interiors of Planets and Moons: Learning from Spacecraft Observations, Simulations and In-Situ Data (DI012) — at the AGU Fall Meeting. Many (or maybe all) participants will be virtual for this conference, so you will not need to travel to attend and present. Abstracts must be submitted by Wednesday July 29th. Go here to submit yours:… [more]
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Colleagues, We are pleased to announce a broad, cross discipline infrasound session for the 2020 AGU Meeting "Geophysical & Planetary Acoustics: Natural to Anthropogenic on Earth and Beyond". The 2020 AGU Meeting is currently planned to be an online-only meeting, with poster and oral sessions that will span multiple time zones. We hope this unique meeting structure will facilitate discussion among international collaborators within the infrasound community. The deadline for the abstra… [more]
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Charlotte Rowe
2020-07-09 21:19:22
Dear Colleagues, If your research is geared toward supporting global security, please consider submitting an abstract for the Fall 2020 AGU meeting to our special session on the topic: Earth Science Research Supporting Global Security (session S008) The session is listed under seismology but welcomes research focused on remote sensing technologies, atmospheric modeling, radionuclide transport, explosion source characterization and other forms of relevant anomaly detection across disciplin… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit abstracts to our session on Environmental Seismology at AGU this year. The session aims to connect scientists applying theoretical, field-based and experimental seismic methods to Earth surface and near-surface dynamics, and we invite contributions from geomorphology, cryospheric sciences, seismology, hazards, volcanology, soil sciences, rock mechanics, hydrology, and related fields. Best, Danica, Brad, Kate and Rick *Session S009. Environmental Se… [more]
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Hobbs, Tiegan (NRCAN/RNCAN)
2020-07-08 16:17:13
It is well known that long-recurrence crustal faults can be difficult to incorporate into hazard maps. Solutions to this problem must be determined through a community effort. Therefore, we invite abstract submissions to our AGU session entitled "How Should Low-Probability Earthquakes be Considered in Hazard Assessments?” (NH013). Please find the description below and don’t hesitate to contact us for any clarifications. Kind regards, Tiegan Hobbs (<mailto:tiegan.hobbs@… [more]
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Stephanie James
2020-07-07 17:16:39
Dear colleagues, We invite you to contribute to the session “Interrogating the Cryosphere: Insights and Advances from Geophysical Observations” for the AGU Fall Meeting 2020. This session will showcase the latest geophysical innovations and revelations in studies of the frozen Earth (permafrost, glaciers, ice sheets, snow, etc.). This session is co-organized between Cryosphere, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Seismology sections. We hope you will submit an abstract and share this announcement … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, In honor of 20 years of combined MARGINS + GeoPRISMS Science, we are convening a session at the virtual AGU 2020 titled "Advances in Understanding Continental Margin Evolution: Two Decades of GeoPRISMS and MARGINS Science.” We are excited to invite a wide range of abstracts that capture this incredible period of multidisciplinary and amphibious science. We encourage abstracts that bring together disciplines and datasets to address a specific research problem or knowledge… [more]
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We invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session on “Approaches in Measurements and Modeling for Geoengineering”. We seek multi-disciplinary approaches to a global issue. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday July 29th, 2020. More information about this session can be found below. Session Title: Approaches in Measurements and Modeling for Geoengineering Session Description: Geoengineering, or the intentional modification of an aspect of the Earth's system to mitigate im… [more]
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Dear Colleagues: We are convening a broad AGU session that we hope will be of interest to you. Our aim is to look forward to new directions, as well as review past and present. Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU Session. Thank you Rachel Abercrombie, Annemarie Baltay, Stefan Nielsen and Bill Walter. Session Title - Fifty Years of the Brune Earthquake Source Model: What Have we Learned, and What is Next? Section – Seismology (with Nonlinear Geophysics, Natural Hazards … [more]
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Dear colleagues, For those interested in subduction zone topics in New Zealand, we invite you to submit abstracts to the following AGU session: Session Title - From trench to back-arc: Dynamics of the Hikurangi subduction zone Abstract: The Hikurangi subduction zone off New Zealand's North Island exhibits intriguing variations in volcanic, tectonic, and megathrust slip processes making it an outstanding natural laboratory to probe these processes. With support from NSF, IODP, GeoPRISMS… [more]
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